

On the Construction of Xiong Shili's System of Changes Scholarship
摘要 熊先生从早期的《新唯识论》开始即已归本易学,并以易学建构体系,透过易的乾、坤两大原则,用以比配心与物(精神与物质),而其功用为一种辟、翕的动能。熊先生之如此比配,是否为易学原意尚待讨论,但就时代精神而言,熊先生身为当代新儒家,是以六经为主轴,而六经又以易学为要,因此藉由易学而来摄受各家思想;方法上,先以乾坤比配心物,藉此摄受佛学的心法与色法;并在西学东渐之际,同时摄受西学的唯心与唯物之说。即以易学体系涵摄中、西,融摄儒家与佛家唯识学思想,建构一大体系。熊先生更以易之变易、不易精神,收摄佛学的无常变易之法,并以易学为宗,平章儒家的汉学与宋学。面对经、史、子、集,则以经学收摄子学,包括道家的观变之学,以及名家等说。其学问论述可谓包括极广、思蕴极深,对于儒学与当代思潮的接轨有着重大贡献,后学牟宗三即接续之,影响甚巨。熊先生对于易学的现代化,可谓化腐朽为神奇,重新开展古学的新生命,贡献不凡。 Even from his early years when he composed the Xin weishi lun(New Doctrine of Consciousness),Xiong Shili(1885-1968)began to convert from Buddhism studies to the study of the Changes,by which he constructed his philosophical system.He matched the two principles of Qian[ ,The creative,1]and Kun [ ,The Receptive,2]to those of heart-mind and matter(or spirit and material)respectively,the functions of which are exhibited as pi(opening)and xi(closing)respectively.Whether this kind of association made by him is in alignment with the original meaning of the Yi jing or not remains to be discussed.However,in terms of the spirit of the time when he was living,as a New-Confucian,Mr.Xiong treated the Six Classics as the principal axis,and since the Yi jingis venerated as the first of the Six Classics,Changes scholarship can assimilate various schools of thought.Methodologically,at first he equated Qian [,The creative,1]and Kun [,The Receptive,2]with heart-mind and matter,by which he assimilated Buddhist law of heart-mind and matter into his doctrine,and then in the same way he adopted Western theories related to spirit and material into his philosophy along with the eastward transmission of Western sciences and philosophy.In other words,through merging both Chinese and Western philosophies and through fusing Confucianism and Buddhist theory of Yoyacara,he constructed his comprehensive system of Changes scholarship.Moreover,Mr.Xiong absorbed Buddhist theory of variability into his system based onchangeability and non-change;he also evaluated the Han(206 BCE-220 CE)tradition of learning and the Song(960-1279)tradition of learning from his perspectives based on the Yi jing.He attached more importance to Confucian Classical studies than the study of the hundred schools of thought,and assimilated the latter,including the theory of changeability from the school of Daoism and related theories from the school of Logicians,into the former.The domain of his discourse was very broad and profound,which contributed a lot to the integration of Confucianism and modern trends of thought.Mu Zongsan(1909-1995)followed him and became very influential in academic circles.For the modernization of Changes scholarship,we can say that Mr.Xiong turned the outmoded literature into the rare and ethereal,and thus revitalized the ancient literature,so his contribution was extraordinary.
作者 蔡家和 TSAI Chia-he(Department of Philosophy, Tunghai University, Taizhong, Taiwan, Chin)
机构地区 东海大学哲学系
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期36-46,共11页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 乾坤 翕辟 心物 质能 大易 Qian and Kun closing and opening mind and matter mass-energy power Yi jing
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