
直立锁边金属屋面抗风揭性能研究现状及展望 被引量:18

Research status and prospect of the performance of standing seam metal roof under wind uplift load
摘要 直立锁边金属屋面是当前金属屋面系统中应用最为广泛的一种,它具有自重轻、强度高、防水性好以及能有效抵御屋面温度应力等优点。本文分析了目前我国实际工程中直立锁边金属屋面存在的问题,详细介绍了直立锁边金属屋面几种常用的咬合形式,总结了国内外关于直立锁边金属屋面抗风揭性能的最新研究成果,给出了各类规范对于直立锁边金属屋面的计算规定,并指出了存在的问题。本文得出以下结论:(1)直立锁边金属屋面的锁边咬合部位是决定其抗风揭性能的关键薄弱节点;(2)中国、欧洲和北美关于直立锁边金属屋面的规范存在基础理论和设计方法的差异;(3)目前没有关于直立锁边金属屋面抗风揭的相关计算规定。最后,本文对直立锁边金属屋面的未来发展方向做出了展望。 The standing seam metal roof is one of the widely used metal roofs in present. It has the advantages of light weight,high strength,good waterproof performance and resistance to temperature stress of roofing. The existing problems of the standing seam metal roof in Chinese actual engineering are analyzed and the commonly used occlusal forms of the standing seam metal roof are introduced in this paper. The domestic and foreign research results of the destruction mechanism of the standing seam metal roof under wind uplift load are summarized and the various specifications for the calculation requirements of the standing seam metal roof are given with the problems pointed out. This paper draws the following conclusions. The locking edge of the standing seam metal roof is the key weak node that determines its performance. The differences in basic theory and design methods exist in the specifications of China, Europe and North America on the standing seam metal roof. There is no relevant calculation of the standing seam metal roof under wind uplift load currently. Finally,the development direction of the standing seam metal roof is made.
作者 刘军进 崔忠乾 李建辉 Liu Junjin;Cui Zhongqian;Li Jianhui(China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100015, China)
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期118-124,共7页 Building Science
基金 "十三五"国家重点研发计划课题 2017YFC0806102
关键词 直立锁边金属屋面 破坏机理 咬合形式 计算规定 standing seam metal roof destruction mechanism occlusal form calculation requirements
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