
2个14-3-3蛋白基因在香蕉果实成熟过程中的表达分析 被引量:1

Expression Analysis of Two 14-3-3 Genes During Ripening of Banana Fruit
摘要 通过简并引物和降落PCR方法结合RACE(rapid amplification of c DNA end)技术在香蕉果实c DNA文库中获得2个14-3-3基因,分别命名为Ma14-3-3d和Ma14-3-3h,把Ma14-3-3d和Ma14-3-3h与Ma14-3-3a、Ma14-3-3c、Ma14-3-3e、Ma14-3-3i进行多重序列比对和同源性比较。结果表明:Ma14-3-3d和Ma14-3-3h与Ma14-3-3a、Ma14-3-3c、Ma14-3-3e、Ma14-3-3i具有较高的同源性,同时具有一定的差异性。遗传进化分析结果表明,Ma14-3-3d与Ma14-3-3a、Ma14-3-3c、Ma14-3-3e、Ma14-3-3i同属于non-ε类14-3-3基因,Ma14-3-3h属于ε类14-3-3基因。RT-PCR分析结果表明,Ma14-3-3d和Ma14-3-3h在香蕉不同器官中差异表达,Ma14-3-3d在香蕉的根、茎、叶、花和果中均有表达,且在茎、叶和花中的表达量高于根和果;Ma14-3-3h在根、花和果中的表达量较高,而在茎和叶中的表达量较低。q RT-PCR分析结果表明,Ma14-3-3d基因的表达明显受乙烯的诱导,而Ma14-3-3h在正常成熟、乙烯处理与1-MCP处理的果实中表达量均很低,与果实成熟的相关性不明显。推测Ma14-3-3d可能与香蕉果实成熟密切相关,可能参与乙烯调控果实成熟过程中的生物合成与信号转导。 Two cDNAs homologous with 14-3-3 protein genes were obtained by screening cDNA library of banana fruit by degenerate primer, landing PCR and RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) approaches, and they were designated as Ma14-3-3d and Ma14-3-3h, respectively. Multiple alignment and homology comparison of deduced amino acid sequences of Ma14-3-3d and Ma14-3-3h together with Ma14-3-3a, Ma14-3-3c, Ma14-3-3e, and Ma14-3-3i revealed that they shared high similarity and specificity. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Ma14-3-3d with Ma14-3-3a, Mal4- 3-3c, Ma14-3-3e, and Ma14-3-3i belonged to the non- e group 14-3-3 genes, while Ma14-3-3h was classed into the e group. Expression analysis showed that Ma14-3-3d and Ma14-3-3h were differentially expressed in different organs of banana as detemlined by RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction), Ma14-3-3d was expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of banana, and its expression in stems, leaves and flowers was higher than that in roots and fruits; the expression of Ma14-3-3h in roots, flowers and fruits was higher, and its expression in stems and leaves was low. Expression of Ma14-3-3d was obviously indueed by ethylene as determined by qRT-PCR analysis, while the expression of Ma14-3-3h in ethylene treated and 1-MCP treated fruits was very low, its correlation with fruit ripening was not obvious. It is speculated that Ma14-3-3d may be closely related to the physiological process of ripening of banana fruit, and may be involved in ethylene biosynthesis, regulation of fruit ripening and signal transduction.
作者 李美英 金志强 杨小亮 贾彩虹 夏启玉 郭静远 贺萍萍 徐碧玉 LI Meiying;JIN Zhiqiang;YANG Xiaoliang;JIA Caihong;XIA Qiyu;GUO Jingyuan;HE Pingping;XU Biyu(Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnolog, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences~Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China;Environmental Safety Supervision and Inspection Genterfor Genetically Modified Plants and Microorganism Used in Plants, Ministry of Agriculture, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China)
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期906-912,共7页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(No.CARS-31) 国家自然科学基金(No.31201663)
关键词 香蕉 Ma14-3-3d Ma14-3-3h 成熟 表达分析 banana Ma14-3-3d Ma14-3-3h ripening expression analysis
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