

American Youth Culture in 1960s' Hollywood Movies
摘要 1960年代中期,素有梦工厂之称的好莱坞电影开始青睐战后出生的婴儿潮一代,拍摄了许多脍炙人口的反映60年代美国青年文化的影片。《邦尼与克莱德》敏锐地捕捉到美国青年中日益激进和好战的情绪,着力表现和渲染了一种暴力文化;《毕业生》反映了60年代愈演愈烈的代际冲突和反叛思想;《伍德斯托克音乐节》和《逍遥骑士》记录和再现了青年人诉诸"性、毒品和音乐"的另类生活方式反叛主流文化的新意识革命。作为影像文本的好莱坞电影与60年代美国青年文化不谋而合。 In the mid 1960s, the Hollywood, known as a dreaming factory, began to favor the baby boom generation born after World War Ⅱ and produced a number of well-known movies reflecting American youth culture in 1960s. Keen enough to capture the increasingly aggressive and combative mood among American youth, Bonnie and Clyde focused on showing and rendering a culture of violence; Graduate reflected the intensified conflict of generation and youth rebel; while Woodstock 1969 and Easy Rider recorded and reproduced the new conscious revolution of the young people who appealed to an alternative lifestyle represented in the trinity of "sex, drug and music" to rebel against the mainstream culture. Hollywood movies, as image texts, coincide with the thought and culture of the American youth in the 1960s.
作者 谢文玉 Wenyu Xie/ Associate Professor(Foreign Studies College, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, Chin)
出处 《外国语言与文化》 2018年第1期20-30,共11页 Foreign Languages and Cultures
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目"20世纪50年代至70年代美国小说家的文学思想与社会文化思潮研究"(14YBA274) 湖南师范大学青年学术骨干项目"大众文化媒介中的汤姆.海登形象塑造研究"(12XGG10)
关键词 好莱坞电影 青年文化 暴力 反叛 反主流文化 Hollywood movies youth culture violence rebel counterculture
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