Seasonal outbreaks of airsacculitis in China's poultry cause great economic losses annually. This study tried to unveil the potential role of Avian metopneumovirus (AM PV), Ornithobacterium rhinotrocheale (aRT) and Chlarnydia psittaci (CPS) in avian airsacculitis. A serological investigation of 673 breeder chickens and a case-controlled study of 430 birds were undertaken. Results showed that infection with AMPV, aRT, and CPS was highly associated with the disease. The correlation between AMPV and CPS were positively robust in both layers and broilers. Finally, we determined the co-infection with AMPV, aRT, and CPS was prevalent in the sampled poultry farms suffering from respiratory diseases and the outbreak of airsacculitis was closely related to simultaneous exposure to all three agents.
Seasonal outbreaks of airsacculitis in China's poultry cause great economic losses annually. This study tried to unveil the potential role of Avian metopneumovirus (AM PV), Ornithobacterium rhinotrocheale (aRT) and Chlarnydia psittaci (CPS) in avian airsacculitis. A serological investigation of 673 breeder chickens and a case-controlled study of 430 birds were undertaken. Results showed that infection with AMPV, aRT, and CPS was highly associated with the disease. The correlation between AMPV and CPS were positively robust in both layers and broilers. Finally, we determined the co-infection with AMPV, aRT, and CPS was prevalent in the sampled poultry farms suffering from respiratory diseases and the outbreak of airsacculitis was closely related to simultaneous exposure to all three agents.
supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology(MoST),China under Grant No.2016YFE0127100 and 2017YFD0500705-5(HE Cheng)
supported by the State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology,Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation[No.6172019]
partially funded by Taishan Scholar Project No.ts201511084