
中国特色大国外交术语英译在英美印等国的传播与接受研究--以“一带一路”英译为例 被引量:29

The Reception of the English Translations of Chinese Diplomatic Terms in Britain,USA and India——with the English Translation of Yidai Yilu as a Case in Point
摘要 本文采用语料库方法,依据批评话语分析理论,探讨了中国特色大国外交术语"一带一路"英译在英美印等国传播与接受的趋势和特征及其背后的意识形态。研究发现,我国政府发布的"一带一路"最新英译"Belt and Road"在英美印等国主流英文媒体报道中的应用愈来愈频繁,且有取代其他英译的趋势。研究还表明,英国认可并积极参与"一带一路"战略,而美国在认可"一带一路"战略实施对于经济发展好处的同时持怀疑的态度,认为该战略会对地缘政治产生负面影响。印度对"一带一路"战略持强烈的反对态度,认为"一带一路"战略是中国地缘政治的野心和军事扩张的图谋。 This paper,in light of critical discourse analysis,conducts a corpus-based study of the reception of the English translations of Yidai Yilu in Britain,USA and India,and explores the ideological factors behind the reception of these translations. The research shows that Belt and Road,the latest English translation of Yidai Yilu,has occurred with increasing frequency in the news reports of the English newspapers in Britain,USA and India. Belt and Road is likely to replace the other two translations of the term since its frequency is much higher. The research also reveals that Britain is supportive of the Belt and Road Initiative whereas USA is skeptical of it. India is strongly opposed to the initiative,arguing that the initiative is China's geopolitical ambition and attempt to advance its military agenda.
作者 胡开宝 陈超婧 HU Kai-bao;CHEN Chao-jing(School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, Chin)
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期43-50,共8页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 2017年度国家社科基金重大招标项目“中国特色大国外交的话语构建、翻译与传播研究”(项目编号:17ZDA319)的阶段性研究成果.
关键词 中国特色大国外交术语 英译 一带一路 传播与接受 Chinese Diplomatic Terms English Translation Yidai Yilu Reception
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