
基于精细可能性模型的电子口碑对消费者购买意愿影响研究 被引量:8

Study on the Impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Consumer Purchase Intention Based on Elaboration Likelihood Model
摘要 基于涉入理论和精细可能性模型,设计了一个2×2×2独立样本全因子实验,研究了口碑数量、口碑质量对消费者购买意愿的影响,同时分析了涉入水平的调节作用。结论表明:口碑数量对购买意愿具有显著的正面影响,但口碑质量的影响不显著;涉入水平对于口碑质量对购买意愿的影响具有调节作用,在高涉入条件下口碑质量的影响更为显著,表明高涉入个体倾向于通过精细可能性模型的中枢路径处理信息;涉入水平对于口碑数量对购买意愿的影响不具有调节作用,高涉入消费者同样关注口碑数量,表明口碑规范属性带来的推荐功能发挥了重要作用。 Based on the involvement theory and Elaboration Likelihood Model( ELM), this paper designs a full 2 ×2×2 factorial experiment to analyze the influence of word of mouth quality and word of mouth quantity on consumer purchase inten- tion, and the moderating effect of involvement level. Results show that the word of mouth quantity has a significant positive impact on purchase intention, but the effect is not significant of word of mouth quality ; involvement level has a moderating effect on the influence of word of mouth quality to purchase intention, word of mouth quality has more significant influence under high involvement conditions, high involvement consumer tend to process information through the central route of ELM ; involvement level has no significant moderating effect on the influence of word of mouth quantity to purchase intention, high involvement consumers also pay attention to the word of mouth quantity, indicating that the recommendation function brought by the normative determinants of word-of-mouth plays an important role.
作者 彭岚 施莉 PENG Lan;SHI Li(School of Logistics, Chengdu University of Information Technology, ChengDu 610103)
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期140-144,共5页 Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BGL152) 四川省社会科学规划基地项目(SC15E013)
关键词 精细可能性模型 口碑质量 口碑数量 涉入 elaboration likelihood model word of mouth quality word of mouth quantity involvement
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