
认罪认罚从宽制度中的值班律师——现状考察、制度局限以及法律帮助全覆盖 被引量:38

Duty Lawyer in the Leniency System of Guilty and Punishment Admission-State Examination,System Limit and Full Coverage of Legal Aid
摘要 值班律师制度的引入无疑是我国刑事法律援助事业的一大进步,一定程度上解决了认罪认罚从宽案件中"有人帮助"的问题,但距"有效帮助"尚有一定距离。值班律师不仅参与率比较低,而且在保障被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性和真实性方面并未发挥实质性作用,尤其是存在着"选择性"提供法律帮助以及为认罪认罚进行"背书"等问题,这与我国制度设计中对值班律师的职能及其权利配置不无关系。值班律师主要提供一种初步、即时的程序性法律帮助,具有普惠性、应急性的特点,由此决定了其所固有的局限性,即难以提供较为深入的全程辩护。当前值班律师功能的发挥关键在于"扬长避短"、实现法律帮助全覆盖,这是值班律师有别于辩护律师的制度优势所在。在推进刑事案件律师辩护全覆盖试点中,需要从制度和实践层面明确两个"不得放弃":一是为认罪认罚的被追诉人提供法律帮助作为国家的一项义务,不得放弃;二是认罪认罚的被追诉人获得值班律师法律帮助的权利不得放弃,以此避免公安司法机关利用信息不对称及其资源优势,采用不正当手段获得虚假认罪或者不公正认罚之情形发生。 The introduction of duty lawyer system is undoubtedly a great progress of criminal legal aid in China. To a certain extent,it has solved the problem of " some help" in lenient cases of guilty and punishment admission,but there is still a certain distance from " effective help". Not only is the participation rate of duty lawyers relatively low,but it does not play a substantive role in guaranteeing the voluntary and truthful nature of the prosecution's admission of guilt and punishment. In particular,there are some problems such as " selectively" providing legal assistance and " endorsing" for pleading guilt and punishment,which is related to the function of duty lawyer and its right allocation in the system design of China. Duty lawyer mainly provides a kind of preliminary,immediate procedural legal assistance with the characteristics of inclusiveness and emergency,which determines its inherent limitations. That is to say,it is difficult to provide a more thorough defense. At present,the key of exerting the duty lawyer's function lies in " making use of advantages and circumventing weaknesses" and realizing the full coverage of legal aid,which is the advantage of the system of duty lawyer different from that of defense lawyer.
作者 韩旭 Han Xu(School of Law, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《政法学刊》 2018年第2期7-14,共8页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金项目"刑事诉讼法实施后律师辩护问题实证研究"(12BFX058)
关键词 认罪认罚从宽 值班律师 功能 法律帮助全覆盖 leniency on admission of guilty and acceptance of punishment duty lawyer function full cov-erage of legal aid
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