

The Molding and Derivation of the Image of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China
摘要 汉景帝之为政以法家术制为主,重富国强兵,加强集权,在历史上本应是一个有为强君的形象,但在黄老、儒学思想浓厚的中国古代史学界,对其形象的塑造却并非如此。史书中的汉景帝形象最早出现于司马迁的《史记》。司马迁隐晦地批判其刻薄专制,但仍然赞其富国、统一之功。至班固著《汉书》之时,由于班固受儒家重义轻利、重文治轻武功思想影响,忽视了景帝富国、统一之功,又由于其尊汉的倾向,为景帝避去了专制刻薄之过,塑造出了"景帝遵业"、恭俭养民的仁厚形象。这一形象也流传于六朝。至唐宋以后,随着《史记》研究的深入,汉景帝的形象又加入了刻薄寡恩的成分,最终形成了历史上固化的景帝形象——以继文帝恭俭无为之业著称,又由于其刻薄寡恩而被评为中主。 Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty adopted the thoughts of Legalist School,emphasizing enriching the country,making its military power efficient and strengthening the centralization of state power. He should have been regarded as positive and successful. However,he was not molded in such a way in the history field of ancient China full of rich Huang-Lao and Confucian thoughts. The historical image of Emperor Jing was first formed in Sima Qian's Records of A Grand Historian,in which Sima Qian indirectly criticized his autocracy and praised his achievements in making the country rich and unified. Ban Gu,influenced by the Confucianism which values justice above material interests and literary talent above martial arts,ignored Emperor Jing's achievements in making the country rich and unified and does not mention Emperor Jing's autocracy for his respect for the Han Dynasty,so that Emperor Jing was seen as a respectful and frugal emperor who followed his father's policy in his History of the Former Han. This image was also popular in the Six Dynasties. With the deepening of the study of Records of A Grand Historian after the Tang and Song Dynasties,a new element of being " unkind to his followers and associates" was added to his image,ultimately forming his stereotyped image: famous for his succeeding Emperor Wen's frugality and inaction and regarded as an average emperor for his being " unkind to his followers and associates".
作者 刘宇辰 LIU Yu-chen(School of History, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第3期29-35,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 汉景帝 历史形象 《史记》 《汉书》 Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty historical image Records of A Grand Historian History of the Former Han
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