
2016年中国妇科疾病的疾病负担研究 被引量:26

Disease burden for gynecological disease in China, 2016
摘要 目的分析2016年中国妇科疾病的疾病负担。方法应用2016年全球疾病负担研究的结果,分析2016年中国不同年龄、不同地区妇科疾病的患病率、死亡率、伤残损失寿命年(YLD)、过早死亡损失寿命年(YLL)和伤残调整寿命年(DALY)。以2010—2035年世界人口平均年龄结构为标准人口计算标准化率。结果2016年中国15岁及以上女性妇科疾病的患病率为24.94%,其中15~49岁的育龄期女性为36.71%。DALY为2 727 637.82人年,DALY率为411.12/10万,标化DALY率为341.80/10万。在15岁及以上女性总人群中DALY和DALY率前3位的妇科疾病分别为经前期综合征(815 004.64人年,122.84/10万)、子宫肌瘤(281 976.67人年,42.5/10万)和子宫内膜异位症(154 792.89人年,23.33/10万)。DALY较高的5个省级行政区依次是:广东省(220 871.19人年)、山东省(190 968.72人年)、河南省(171 273.92人年)、江苏省(168 404.27人年)和四川省(144 358.50人年);标化DALY率较高的5个省级行政区依次是:新疆维吾尔自治区(404.00/10万)、上海市(394.90/10万)、黑龙江省(382.00/10万)、北京市(365.70/10万)和江苏省(357.50/10万)。结论妇科疾病是女性生殖健康的重要威胁,应开展针对性的防治措施,特别需要关注育龄期女性。 ObjectiveTo assess the disease burden for gynecological disease in China in 2016.MethodsData were extracted from the global burden of disease study 2016 (GBD 2016) . The burden of gynecological disease among age groups and provinces groups was assessed by prevalence rate, mortality rate, years lived with disability (YLD) , years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) . An average world population age-structure for the period 2010-2035 was adopted to calculate age-standardized rates.ResultsIn 2016, the prevalence rate of gynecological disease in women aged 15 years and above in China was 24.94%, of which was 36.71% to women of childbearing age. The number of DALY from gynecological disease was 2 727 637.82 life years in 2016, with the DALY rate was 411.12/100 000 and standardized DALY rate was 341.80/100 000. The first three gynecological diseases with highest DALY and DALY rate among Chinese women aged ≥15 years were premenstrual syndrome (815 004.64 life years, 122.84/100 000) , uterine fibroids (281 976.67 life years, 42.5/100 000) and endometriosis (154 792.89 life years, 23.33/100 000) . The DALY caused by gynecological disease in Guangdong (220 871.19 life years) , Shandong (190 968.72 life years) , Henan (171 273.92 life years) , Jiangsu (168 404.27 life years) and Sichuan (144 358.5 life years) were higher than other provinces. The standardized DALY rate attributable to gynecological disease were highest in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (404.00/100 000) , Shanghai (394.90/100 000) , Heilongjiang (382.00/100 000) , Beijing (365.70/100 000) and Jiangsu (357.50/100 000).ConclusionsGynecological disease is a great threat to women′s reproductive health. Effective measures should be taken to address the issue, especially to women of childbearing age.
作者 吉宁 刘世炜 曾新颖 董文兰 姜莹莹 周脉耕 Ji Ning;Liu Shiwei;Zeng Xinying;Dong Wenlan;Jiang Yingying;Zhou Maigeng(The National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China)
出处 《中华妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期313-318,共6页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 生殖器疾病 女(雌)性 患病代价 患病率 中国 年龄因素 Genital diseases female Cost of illness Prevalence China Age factors
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