
论未成年人死亡给付保险的限制——评《保险法司法解释三》第6条 被引量:6

Restrictions on Insurance for Minors with Death Benefit——Comment on Article 6 of Interpretation Ⅲ of the Insurance Law
摘要 由于未成年人认知能力和行为能力欠缺,在以死亡为给付条件的保险中,我国《保险法》从投保主体、被保险人同意权、保险金额等方面加以限制。最高人民法院《保险法司法解释三》缓和了此限制性规定,将投保主体从"父母"扩张到"其他履行监护职责的人",同时修正被保险人同意权的行使方式,不拘泥于书面形式。但仍面临投保主体标准不清、保险利益来源不明、未成年人父母同意的行使陷入困境等等问题。我国应正视未成年人死亡给付保险的客观需求,厘清亲子关系稳定性、道德危险之防范、被保险人人格权之维护三者之间的关系,明确未成年人死亡给付保险的投保人限制于亲属监护人,对未成年人的投保年龄不作限制,以死亡年龄进行效力限制。在未满16周岁之前,保险金额限于丧葬费用,且不需经过被保险人同意。在届满16周岁之后,未成年人通过行使"被保险人同意权"对超过丧葬费用的保险合同的效力进行追认或同意,未追认或同意的,仍以丧葬费用为限。实行投保人与同意权人分离机制,对学校等社会团体作出变通规定,使未成年人死亡保险的功能落到实处。 Minors are deficient in cognitive ability and civil conduct capacity. Therefore, for insurance contract for minors with death as the condition for the payment of insurance benefits, there are restrictions in terms of the applicant,the insured' s consent and the benefit size in the Insurance Law of China. The Interpretation m of the Insurance Law relaxed such restrictions by expanding the applicant from "parents" to "any other person fulfilling the duty of guardianship" and revising the exercise of the insured' s consent allowing forms other than in writing. However, there are still some issues unresolved regarding the standard for applicant identity, the source of the insurable interest and the exercise of the right of consent for the minor' s parents and so on. There are needs for minor insurance offering death benefit, therefore, the relationship between the parent-child relationship stability, moral hazard prevention and the protection on the insured' s personality should be clarified. The insurance applicants should be limited to relatives with guardianship. The age of death should be restricted effectively instead of the insured' s age at policy application. The insurance amount should be limited to funeral expenses, and the contract can be entered into without the insured' s consent when the insured is under 16 years old. The minor can consent to or recognize the validity of the contract whose benefit is in excess of the funeral expenses by using "the insured' s consent right" ,otherwise the amount will be limited to the funeral expense. The function of minor insurance with death benefit can be better employed through separation of the insurance applicant and the person with the right of consent, and making flexible provisions for schools and other social institutions.
作者 何丽新 李金招 Law HE Lixin;Li Jinzhao
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期87-98,共12页 Insurance Studies
关键词 未成年人 死亡给付保险 同意权 监护人 丧葬费用 minors insurance offering death benefit right of consent guardian funeral expenses
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