
文化创意旅游地游憩体验、满意度与地方依恋的关系研究 被引量:3

Research on The Relationships among Recreation Experience,Satisfaction and Place Attachment in Cultural and Creative Tourist Destinations
摘要 在加快实施创新驱动发展战略的背景下,旅游文化创意产业正成为旅游经济发展的新动力,文化创意旅游地的新模式、新业态、新产品对旅游者产生了独特的吸引力。研究以成都市文化创意旅游地"东郊记忆"为例,探讨了旅游者游憩体验、满意度与地方依恋的相互作用关系。研究发现:能否为旅游者创造良好的游憩体验,是影响文化创意旅游地生存与发展的关键因素之一,直接影响旅游者满意度及对旅游地的地方依恋。研究进一步提出,文化创意旅游地要实现可持续发展,需以文化创意为引领,塑造特色旅游地;以质量控制为保障,塑造精品旅游地;以信息技术为支撑,塑造智慧旅游地。要全面提升文化创意旅游地的整体服务质量和效率,促使旅游者产生更好的游憩体验,更高的满意度与更强的地方依恋。 Under the background of acceleration of implementing the innovation-driven development strate-gy, the tourist cultural and creative industries are becoming the new impetus for the development of tourism economy.The new models, new formats and new products of cultural and creative tourist destinations are u-nique attractiveness for tourists. Taking the Eastern Suburb Memory in Chengdu as an example, this study dis-cusses the relationships among recreation experience, satisfaction and place attachment of tourists. It is found that one of the key factors affecting the survival and development of cultural and creative tourist destinations is creating a good recreation experience for tourists, which directly influences satisfaction of tourists and their place attachment. The research further points out that it is necessary to take cultural and creative ideas as the guide to create distinctive destinations so as to achieve the sustainable develop-ment of cultural and creative tourist destinations. Besides, it needs to view quality control as the guaran-tee to create boutique destinations and to take information technology as the support to create smart desti-nations. Under these steps, the overall service quality and efficiency of cultural and creative tourist des-tinations can be comprehensively enhanced, and tourists can get better recreation experience, higher satis-faction and stronger place attachment.
作者 李文勇 王婧 谭通慧 LI Wen-yong;WANG Jing;TAN Tong-hui(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics School of Business Administration,611130,Chengdu,Sichuan;Everest Research Institute, Tibet University,850000,Lhasa, Tibet, China)
出处 《特区经济》 2018年第5期76-80,共5页 Special Zone Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“西南少数民族传统社区文化环境适应性保护与发展研究”(13CMZ033) 四川省旅游业青年专家研究课题“旅游目的地本真性与地方依恋的关系研究”(SCTYETP2017L06) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“少数民族社区居民对旅游扶贫的认知、态度与行为研究”(JBK170917) 西藏自治区高校人文社会科学研究项目“社会主要矛盾变化背景下西藏旅游产业供给侧改革分析”(SK2017-11)资助
关键词 文化创意旅游地 游憩体验 满意度 地方依恋 cultural and creative tourist destination recreation experience satisfaction place attachment
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