
责任主义与过失犯中的预见可能性 被引量:19

The Principle of Culpability and Foreseeablity in Negligent Crime
摘要 预见可能性在过失犯构造中体系位置的混乱,根源于传统理论未区分过失的认定与过失的归责。作为经验事实范畴的预见可能性,仅对过失归责的判断产生影响。预见可能性具有超越于过失犯的一般意义,它构成刑法中自我答责的正当性门槛。立足于法律中个体的形象从道德主体向社会主体的转变,需要引入社会的维度,倡导责任的社会化理论,以行为是否背离社会的规范性期待作为罪责的基本内容。责任的社会化理论,努力将罪责的概念与一般预防的目的相协调。一种既能发挥刑罚限制机能又能兼具预防有效性的责任理论,具有相对的合理性。依托此种理论框架,对预见可能性因素的重新定位,合乎责任主义的要求。直面我国实务中的乱象,在处理过失案件时,有必要将涉及预见可能性问题的案件与其他类型的案件作区别化处理。 The traditional theory of negligent crime does not distinguish the definition of negligence from the imputation of negligent crime,and this has resulted in the confusing position of foreseeablity in the structure of negligent crime. Foreseeability is a category of empirical fact,and it can only influence the judgment of imputation in negligent crime. The factor of foreseeability has a general meaning beyond the field of negligent crime,and it constitutes the threshold of justification for self-responsibility in criminal law. Based on the shift of a person's image from a moral subject to a social subject in the law system,people need to introduce the dimension of society and correspondingly to propose a theory of socialized culpability. According to it,the nature of culpability lies in the deviation of a conduct from the normative expectation of society. The theory of socialized culpability manages to make the concept of culpability in harmony with the aim of criminal punishment. Such a theory is relatively more reasonable,because it considers preventative effects in the teleological meaning,while still keeping the function of limiting the state power of criminal punishment. On the basis of this kind of theoretical framework,the reconstructed theory of foreseeablity could meet the requirement of the culpability principle. In dealing with negligent crime cases in the judicial practice of China,it is necessary to distinguish the cases involving the problem of foreseeablity from those involving the others in negligent crime.
作者 劳东燕 Lao Dongyan
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期46-64,共19页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 笔者主持的国家社科基金项目"风险社会中过失犯罪的归责原理研究"(项目批准号:17BFX072)的阶段性成果
关键词 预见可能性 过失犯 责任主义 自我答责 功能主义 预防刑法 foreseeablity negligent crime culpability principle self - responsibility functionalism preventative criminal law
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