
云南汉语的历史地理分布及相关问题试探 被引量:6

Study on Historical Geographical Distribution and Related Issues of Chinese Dialects in Yunnan
摘要 汉语在云南于宋元之前主要沿驿道要塞呈点状分布,汉晋时期滇东偏北和滇池一带是汉语能够存留的主要区域,唐宋时期汉语随移民及汉文化的影响,扩展至洱海、永昌地区,云南这一时期夷多汉少,故汉语主要借助与夷语融合的方式发挥影响力,而朝廷又多以川蜀为基地节制滇域,蜀滇主要通过南北向的驿道进行沟通,故宋元及之前川蜀方言对云南汉语具有较大的影响;明清以后,朝廷高度重视滇地并采取屯戍和改土归流的政策予以治理,汉语因随汉族的规模性迁入而成为云南的主要交流语言,并在随后的接触交融中形成了特色鲜明的云南官话,具备了自主影响力。明代的云南汉语主要是沿坝子和交通要道呈连片分布的格局,清代以后不断向三江之外的边地扩散,至今云南基本在全境普及了汉语。明清时期的云南移民源主要为江南湖广籍,同时结合语音对应规律来看,云南官话受江淮官话的影响较大,甚至可以说明清以来的云南官话是江淮官话在滇域的延伸演变类型。 The Chinese language was mainly distributed along the post road fortresses in Yunnan before the Song and Yuan Dynasties. In the Han and the Jin Dynasties, the northern part of eastern Yunnan and the Dianchi area were the main areas where Chinese could be retained. It extended to Erhai and Yongchang areas with the influence of immigration and Han culture in the Tang and Song Dynasties. During this period, however, as there were more minorities than the Han nationality in Yunnan, it ex- erted its influence mainly through its combination with local languages. Besides, since the government took Sichuan as the base to control the Yunnan and the Shu Dian communicated mainly along the post road of the north and south, the Sichuan dialect had had a great influence on the Chinese language in Yunnan before the Song and Yuan Dynasties. After the Ming and Qing Dynas- ties, with the garrison and chieftain policy of the government, Chinese became the main communication language in Yunnan with the migration of the Han nationality, and a distinctive Yunnan Mandarin formed with its own influence in the subsequent contact. The Chinese language of Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty mainly distributed along the dam and transportation routes. After the Qing Dynasty, it continued to spread to the border beyond Sanjiang. And, so far, the Chinese language has been popularized in Yun- nan. Yunnan immigrants mainly came from the south of the Yangtze River during the Ming and Qing Dynasties; and according to the phonetic correspondence law, Yunnan mandarin had been greatly influenced by the Jianghuai mandarin, that is, they had homologous relations. It can even be said that the Yunnan mandarin since Ming and Qing Dynasties belonged to the extension and evolution type of the Jianghuai official dialect.
作者 牟成刚 MOU Cheng - gang(School of Humanities, Wenshan University, Wenshan 663099, Yunnan, Chin)
出处 《学术探索》 2018年第6期97-106,共10页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14XMZ095)
关键词 云南 汉语 地理 分布 问题 试探 Yunnan Chinese dialects geography distribution issues study
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