一辆白色豪华版J7 6×4牵引车在四百多名员工的簇拥和掌声下,从长春基地生产线上徐徐驶下,这标志着J7正式进入批量生产阶段,上市销售指日可待。2018年4月18日,这一天是一汽解放的大日子。一汽解放在长春和青岛两地进行了一汽解放"智行天下·勇无止境"解放J7下线暨L4级系列智能车发布活动,向战略合作伙伴、用户和媒体展示了经典与未来交织、传承与创新辉映的科技感。
April 18, 2018, FAW Jiefang held a grand ceremony at Container Wharf of Qingdao Port to mark the off-line of the first Jiefang J7, while officially announcing the launch of L4 intelligent vehicles. Themed as "Intelligent Bravery without Limit", the event indicated the company had again stepped into the leading position among the industry in terms of intelligent vehicle technology development and building of smart logistic business environment.
Commercial Vehicle