

The Main Principle and Basic Logic for Building the System of Improving People's Well-being on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
摘要 改革开放以来,中国民生建设在不同发展阶段具有特定的历史定位,其总趋势主要体现在两个方面:在内容上实现了由分散到系统的丰富拓展,在地位上实现了由附属到中心的持续提升。新时代民生建设的历史定位上升为党和国家的中心课题。从整体上来看,在发展中保障和改善民生构成了新时代民生建设的基本方略,明晰了发展和民生之间的内在统一,强调了平衡的充分的高质量发展与人民美好生活需要之间的良性循环关系。政府主导、共同富裕、福利适度、共建共享构成了新时代民生体系构建的主要原则。新时代中国特色社会主义民生体系构建的基本逻辑,从宏观层面来看,主要表现为构建保基本和促改善相结合的民生体系,重点处理好保基本和促改善的关系,处理好政府和市场作用的关系;从微观层面来看,主要体现为按照坚守一条底线、完善两项制度、破解三个难题和引导合理预期的思路进行具体实践。 Since reform and opening up, improvement of people's well-being has undergone specific stage with the development of China. The general trend of improvement of people's well-being is reflected in two aspects: Firstly, the content of improvement of people's well-being has transformed from sporadic condition to affluent system; Secondly, the status of improvement of people's well- being has experienced a transformation from accessory to centre,The improvement of people's well-being has become the central topic for discussion in China. Improving the people's well-being in the progress of development is the basic strategy, which displays the relation between development and people's well-being,emphasizing the harmonious relationship between development of high quality that is balanced and adequate and people's ever-growing needs for a better life. Government-leading, common prosperity, moderate welfare, co- construction and sharing constitute are the main principle of the construction of system of people's well-being for a new era. The basic logic of construction of people's well-being system at macro level shows that it is vital to build the system of ensuring the people's livelihood and improving people's well-being. It is necessary to coordinate the relation between safeguard and improvement, and it is needed to deal with the relation between market and government. The basic logic of construction of people's well-being system at micro level shows that it is important to practice according to insisting on one baseline, improving two institutions, solving three difficult issues and leading reasonable expectation
作者 刘晋祎 Liu Jinyi(Party School of the Qingdao Committee of CPC (Qingdao Administrative College), Qingdao, Shandong 266071)
出处 《改革与战略》 2018年第6期16-22,共7页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 2017年度全国党校系统重点调研课题:共享发展理念视角下民生体系建设的推进逻辑研究--基于青岛的实证分析(项目编号:2017DXDY108) 山东省党校系统党的十九大精神专项研究项目:坚持在发展中保障和改善民生研究
关键词 新时代民生建设 历史方位 基本方略 主要原则 基本逻辑 improvement of people's well-being for new era historical direction basic strategy main principle basic logic
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