
杭州市老年人群心血管事件风险评估及危险因素调查 被引量:2

Risk assessment and risk factors of cardiovascular events among elderly patients in Hangzhou
摘要 目的调查杭州市老年人群心血管疾病的危险因素水平,评价心血管事件10年风险等级,为预防、减少和延缓老年人群心血管事件的发生提供可靠依据。方法采取基线调查方法,以2015年6月-2016年6月在2家三甲医院体检中心开展健康体检的8336名老年人为研究对象,采用自行设计的生活行为方式调查表对其进行吸烟等生活行为方式调查,结合体检资料,使用WHO/ISH《心血管疾病预防指南》进行心血管事件10年风险评估。结果参加健康体检的8336名老年人群中,超过46.34%的老年人心血管事件10年发生率大于40%。不同性别和年龄段人群心血管事件风险等级差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),男性和高龄人群是易感人群。心血管事件危险因素中,血压、胆固醇、血糖异常率分别为72.75%、67.11%、39.71%。结论杭州市老年人群心血管事件10年危险水平较高,应针对其易感人群和危险因素开展预防和干预工作。 Objective To investigate the risk factors of cardiovascular disease among elderly patients in Hangzhou and to assess the level of risk of cardiovascular events in 10 years, so as to provide a reliable basis for preventing, reducing and delaying the incidence of cardiovascular events among elderly patients. Methods From June 2015 to June 2016, we selected 8 336 elderly patients with health check-up of medical examination center in two Class Ⅲ Grade A hospitals by baseline survey. The Self-Designed Living Behavior Pattern Questionnaire was used to investigate the behavior pattern of living such as smoking. The Guidelines for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease by WHO/ISH was used to assess the risk of cardiovascular events in 10 years combined with physical examination data. Results Among 8 336 elderly patients with health checkup, there were more than 46.34% of the elderly patients with incidence of cardiovascular events in 10 years for higher than 40%. There were statistical differences in levels of risk of cardiovascular events among patients with different sexes and ages (P 〈 0.01), and male and the aged were the susceptible population. Among the risk factors of cardiovascular events, the abnormal rate of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose was 72.75%, 67.11% and 39.71% respectively. Conclusions The level of risk of cardiovascular events in 10 years among elderly patients in Hangzhou is high. Prevention and intervention should be carried out aiming at susceptible population and risk factors.
作者 徐厚兰 危静 李华 耿桂飞 俞华英 卫丽英 耿爽 Xu Houlan;Wei Jing;Li Hua;Geng Guifei;Yu Huaying;Wei Liying;Geng Shuang(Medical Examination Center, the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310015, China (Xu HL, Wei J, Geng GF , Yu HY, Wei LY, Geng S;Medical Examination Center, the 117th Hospital of PLA , Hangzhou 310007, China(Li H)
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2018年第17期2051-2054,共4页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
基金 2015年杭州市科技计划引导项目(社会发展)(杭科农[2015]263号)
关键词 老年人 心血管事件 风险评估 危险因素 Aged Cardiovascular events Risk assessment Risk factors
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