
人工措施对阿尔泰山采金矿区地表的恢复作用 被引量:4

Effects of artificial measures on surface recovery of gold mining area in Altai Mountain
摘要 为了促进采金矿区的植被恢复,以阿尔泰山两河源(额尔齐斯河与乌仑古河)保护区采金矿区为靶区,利用多种措施对其进行生态恢复试验,分析了不同措施对矿区土壤及植被的影响。结果显示:(1)采金扰动地形,采金废弃地百米地形落差由原来的2~3 m变为破坏后的接近5 m;土壤母质流失严重,废弃矿区土石比例较原始草地下降了98.0%、生物量下降了96.8%,土壤因子、植被因子成为矿区生态恢复的关键因子。(2)覆土措施使矿区植物物种数增加;漫灌、圈羊措施下的植被多样性指数明显高于滴灌、喷泥浆处理,漫灌措施下的土石比分别是滴灌、喷泥浆的19.1和5.8倍。(3)覆土+漫灌措施、覆土+圈羊措施下,植被生物量显著高于其他复合措施(P<0.01),土石比也相对较高。综合考虑漫灌措施的恢复效果与该措施的成本花费后认为,漫灌对矿区生态恢复具有重大意义。 To promote the vegetation recovery in gold mining area,different measures were applied in the abandoned field of the gold mining area in Altai Mountain,which is a conservation region for the source of Irtysh River and Ulungur River. We evaluated the effects of these measures on the restoration of soil and vegetation. The results showed that:( 1) Gold mining altered topography. The altitude difference of the gold mining area increased from 2-3 m per 100-m long to approximately 5 m after the destruction of gold mining. The parent material of soils was seriously damaged. Compared with the natural grassland,the soil/gravel ratio decreased by 98. 5% and plant aboveground biomass decreased by 96. 8% in the abandoned filed. Soil and vegetation factors were the key factors for ecological restoration.( 2) Under covering soil treatment,the number of plant species was increased. The vegetation diversity index under the treatment of basin irrigation and corralling flock was significantly higher than that under drip irrigation and mud spraying treatment. The soil/gravel ratios under basin irrigation measure were 19.1 and 5.8 times as high as that of drip irrigation and mud spraying.( 3) Under the measures of covering soil +basin irrigation and covering soil + corralling flock,plant biomass was significantly higher than that of other combined measures( P 〈 0.01) and the soil/gravel ratio was relatively high. Considering the recovery effect and the cost of the basin irrigation measure,we concluded that the basin irrigation is of great significance to the ecological restoration of the gold mining area.
作者 赵新风 徐海量 王希义 徐俏 苑塏烨 杨永强 张鹏 ZHAO Xin-feng;XU Hai-liang;WANG Xi-yi;XU Qiao;YUAN Kai-ye;YANG Yong-qiang;ZHANG Peng(Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China;Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830041, China)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1628-1635,共8页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区科技支撑项目(201533110) 国家自然科学基金项目(41471099) 中国科学院特色研究所主要服务项目(TSS-2015-014-FW-2-2)资助
关键词 人工措施 采金矿区 多样性 生物量 土石比 artificial restoration measure gold mining area diversity aboveground biomass soil/gravel ratio
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