
旱地不同小麦品种产量与干物质及氮磷钾养分需求的关系 被引量:28

Grain yields of different wheat cultivars and their relations to dry matter and NPK requirements in dryland
摘要 【目的】黄土高原是我国旱地小麦主要产区,但产量普遍偏低,明确不同小麦品种的产量与干物质及氮磷钾养分需求的关系,对高产高效小麦品种选育、科学合理施肥、实现区域小麦增产有重要意义。【方法】于2014和2015年,在黄土高原典型旱作雨养农业区种植来自我国不同主产区和当地的123个小麦品种,采集收获期的植株样品,测定了不同小麦品种的产量、干物质及氮磷钾养分累积和需求量,分析了产量与干物质及养分需求的关系。【结果】不同小麦品种的籽粒产量与生物量、收获指数、养分吸收量和养分收获指数均呈显著正相关,与干物质、需氮量、需磷量呈显著负相关。从两年的平均结果来看,当小麦籽粒产量从5474 kg/hm^2增至7891 kg/hm^2时,生物量从12194 kg/hm^2增至17032 kg/hm^2,收获指数从38%增至54%,地上部氮、磷、钾吸收量分别从159 kg/hm^2增至231 kg/hm^2、21.3 kg/hm^2增至29.5 kg/hm^2、79.1 kg/hm^2增至136.9 kg/hm^2,氮、磷、钾收获指数分别从62%增至83%、75%增至90%、20%增至37%。干物质需求量却从2611 kg/Mg降至1873 kg/Mg,氮、磷需求量也分别从35.1 kg/Mg降至23.7 kg/Mg、4.5 kg/Mg降至3.2 kg/Mg。品种间需钾量也随产量升高而降低,从1 9.9 k g/M g降至1 1.9 k g/M g,但产量与需钾量间并无显著负相关关系。【结论】旱地条件下,高产品种具有较高的生物量、收获指数、养分吸收量和养分收获指数,而干物质及养分需求量却较低。因此,在实际生产中,不仅要选育高产高效小麦品种,提高生物量,协调籽粒产量与生物量、养分吸收量和收获指数的关系,也要根据高产品种的养分需求规律,结合区域土壤养分供应能力和气候特点,科学合理施肥,保证作物有充足的养分吸收量,并向籽粒高效转移,使高产品种的产量潜力充分发挥。 【Objectives】Loess Plateau is the main dryland wheat production area in China, where the grain yield is usually lower than other areas. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand the relationship of grain yield of different wheat cultivars to dry matter and N, P, K requirements for introducing and breeding new cultivars with high yield and high nutrient efficiency, reasonable fertilizer application, and promoting local wheat production.【Methods】In 2014 and 2015, 123 winter wheat cultivars from local and other main winter wheat production areas in our country were planted in a typical rainfed dryland on the Loess Plateau, and plant samples were collected at the harvest period to investigate the relationships between wheat grain yield and the requirements of dry matter, nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) for yield formation.【Results】The obtained results showed that the grain yield was significantly and positively correlated with above-ground biomass, harvest index, the uptakes and harvest indexes of N, P and K, but negatively correlated with the requirements of dry matter, N and P of different cultivars. Results of the two-year averages showed that when the wheat grain yield was increased from 5474 kg/hm^2 to 7891 kg/hm^2, the above-ground biomass was increased from12194 kg/hm^2 to 17032 kg/hm^2, harvest index was increased from 38% to 54%, and uptakes of N, P and K from159 kg/hm^2 to 231 kg/hm^2, 21.3 kg/hm^2 to 29.5 kg/hm^2, and 79.1 kg/hm^2 to 136.9 kg/hm^2, respectively. At the same time, the harvest indexes of N, P and K increased from 62% to 83%, 75% to 90%, and 20% to 37%, respectively,while the dry matter requirement decreased from 2611 kg/Mg to 1873 kg/Mg, and the requirements of N and P from 35.1 kg/Mg to 23.7 kg/Mg and 4.5 kg/Mg to 3.2 kg/Mg. Requirement of K also decreased from 19.9 kg/Mg to 11.9 kg/Mg with the increase of grain yield, but no significant correlation was found between grain yield and K requirement.【Conclusions】In dryland, the high yield cultivars usually have higher above-ground biomass,harvest index, nutrient uptake, and nutrient harvest index, and lower dry matter and nutrient requirement. For increasing grain yield in practical wheat production in dryalnd, new cultivars should be introduced or bred to increase the biomass and improve the relation of grain yield to biomass, nutrient uptake and harvest index, and fertilizer management should be based on the nutrient requirement of high yield cultivars, the local soil nutrient supply capacity and climatic characteristics to ensure the crop with sufficient nutrient uptakes and efficient transport to grain, and then to fully exploit the cultivar's yielding potential.
作者 刘璐 王朝辉 刁超朋 王森 李莎莎 LIU Lu;WANG Zhao-hui;DIAO Chao-peng;WANG Sen;LI Sha-sha(College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A &F University/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China;Northwest A &F University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期599-608,共10页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 财政部 农业部现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-03) 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303104)资助
关键词 旱地 小麦 品种 产量 干物质 dryland wheat cultivar grain yield dry matter nitrogen phosphorus potassium
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