【目的】浙江的规模养殖集中度高,畜禽排泄物资源化利用率达96%以上,通过堆肥和制作有机肥还田是主要的消纳途径,因此粪便中的重金属含量影响土壤安全及作物的生长。饲料是猪粪重金属最主要的来源,因此,本研究检测了浙江省猪饲料和排泄物中的重金属,为作物施用的安全性评价提供基础数据。【方法】采集35家不同规模养殖场的仔猪、生长猪和育肥猪3个阶段饲喂的饲料和粪便样本共566个,采用干灰化法、高压消解法消解,用AAS、AFS、ICP-MS法分析了铁、铜、锰、锌、砷、铅、铬、镉和汞9种重金属含量。【结果】1)粪便中8种重金属平均含量趋势为Zn>Cu>Mn>As>Cr>Pb>Cd>Hg,主要残留元素为Zn、Cu、Mn和As,按干物质计其平均值分别为2405、1288、528和28.2 mg/kg,变异系数(CV)分别为83%、34%、6%和15%。猪粪中Cr、Pb、Cd元素含量较低,在0.29~3.52 mg/kg之间,Hg含量仅3.97μg/kg。猪粪中重金属含量仔猪阶段趋高,育肥猪阶段趋低,各个阶段变异都较大,变异系数CV值介于21%~112%之间,显示各地的生猪饲养中微量元素添加还比较混乱。2)饲料有机砷的使用存在明显区域差异,萧山地区占72.7%的饲料样本在各阶段猪饲料中均添加有机砷,衢州地区的占33.3%,两个地区各有1家养殖场未使用有机砷。猪粪中54.9%样本砷含量>15 mg/kg,16.9%样本砷含量>50 mg/kg,2.8%的粪便砷超过70 mg/kg。3)按畜禽粪便安全使用准则进行判定,69.9%猪粪铜超标,16.9%猪粪砷超标。按有机肥料标准进行判定,猪粪中54.9%样本砷含量超标。按照饲料中金属元素在粪便中的浓缩率:Fe、Zn、Cu为7~10倍,锰约为3倍,当前饲养水平下,Fe、Zn、Cu元素存在过量添加。4)以浙江全省旱地单位面积承载量估算,当前能消纳猪粪中Zn、Cu的排放,但当每公顷猪粪施用量超过2.27 t(干计)时,局部地区重金属就有累积风险。【结论】应降低猪饲料中微量元素的添加量,禁止饲用有机砷制剂,才能有效降低猪粪施用所导致的重金属污染;按照目前监测猪粪肥重金属元素含量水平,有机肥的施用量用应控制在2.27 t/hm^2(干基)以内,以防止对土壤造成污染。
【Objectives】Intensive swine industry in large scale is developed in Zhejiang Province. Over 96% of the livestock and poultry waste produced have been recycled through making compost and organic fertilizer for agricultural production, one of the main way-outs. The heavy metals added in the feeds could find their ways through wastes into soil, affecting the soil safety and the growth of crops. In this study, we monitored the total content of heavy metals in swine feed and waste from pig farms in Zhejiang Province and evaluated the safety of feed use from the aspect of environment protection.【Methods】We collected 566 samples of swine feed and swine waste from three stages of pigs in 35 different scale farms, using high-pressure digestion, AAS, AFS, ICPMS method to analyze the contents of nine metals including iron(Fe), copper(Cu), manganese(Mn), zinc(Zn),arsenic(As), lead(Pb), chromium(Cr), cadmium(Cd) and mercury(Hg). 【Results】1) The average contents in the swine feces were in order of Zn Cu Mn As Cr Pb Cd Hg. The main residual elements were Zn,Cu, Mn, and As, and their average levels were 2405, 1288, 528 and 28.2 mg/kg(dry base), with CV of 83%, 34%,6% and 15%, respectively. The levels of Cr, Pb, Cd were relatively low in swine wastes, ranging from 0.29 to 3.52 mg/kg, the Hg content was only 3.97 μg/kg. The metal contents in piglet stage were relatively high, and showed decreasing in big pig stage, the variations at all the three stages were large, with the CV 21%–112%, indicating that the addition of trace elements in pig breeding was chaotic. 2) 54.9% of swine feces samples contained more than 15 mg/kg of As, and 16.9% of samples contained more than 50 mg/kg of As, and 2.8% samples contained more than 70 mg/kg of As. The monitoring data showed that there were obvious regional differences in the use of organic As, which had been forbidden in large feed companies. In Xiaoshan and Quzhou, about 72.7% and33.3% of the samples added organic As in pig feed in different stages, however, both the regions had one pig farm in which organic was not used, indicating the possibility of banning organic As in feeds. 3) According to the "safety regulation for using livestock and poultry manure", 69.9% and 16.9% of swine feces samples were over limit in Cu and As levels. According to the "standard of organic fertilizer", 54.9% of pig manure was found to be above the standards in As. 4) Generally, the contents of Fe, Zn, Cu in swine feces were concentrated in 7.0 to 10 times and Mn in 3 times. According to the current feeding monitoring, the contents of Zn, Cu and Fe were over added. 5) According to the estimation of dry land bearing capacity per unit area,Zhejiang Province is still capable of bearing the Zn, Cu load through swine wastes, but is not if the application of pig waste is more than 2.27 t per hectares(dry). 【Conclusions】The addition of metal elements in the swine feed should be reduced, and organic arsenic should be forbidden in the feed production. According to the present monitored levels, the waste-produced compost should be applied in less than 2.27 t per hectare(dry) to prevent soil from heavy metal contamination.
REN Yu-qin;HUANG Juan;RAO Feng-qin;ZHAN Xiu-an(lnstrtute Veterinary of Medicine Feed Supervision in Zheng]iang Province, Hangzhou 311199, China;Feed Science Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
Zhejiang province swine feces
swine feed
heavy metal