1879年,沙皇亚历山大二世正式指定立陶宛的考纳斯市为首要军事据点后,多座军事学校拔地而起。Zemieji Sanciai军事基地建于1886-1896年间,曾为考纳斯此类基地中规模最大的一座。10年间,350多栋不同用途的建筑形成了该市的城市结构并塑造了当时的城郊形象。该校园依照合理的城市规划而建,沿主干道分布,即如今的左萨帕维茨奥斯大街。在战争与和平的各个时期,这座军事校园被不同的军队和工业用于技术服务及生产。
After Russian Tzar Alexander the 2nd officially appointed Lithuanian city of Kaunas as a first dass military post in 1879, several military campuses were built there. A military base of Zemieji Sanciai (Kaunas), built in 1886-1896 was the biggest of its kind in Kaunas. During 10 years, more than 350 buildings of various purpose formed the urban structure and image of then suburb. The campus was built according rational regular urban blueprint, distributing the buildings along the main central road (current Juozapaviciaus Ave.).
World Architecture