
论判例法推理 被引量:9

On the Reasoning From Case Law
摘要 英美法的判例制度其运作本质是法官释法与造法,法院通过释法与造法而创制的先例或判例是法律渊源之一。英美法的判例制度其要义不在于法官在案件审理中从先前的判例得到借鉴和指导,而在于它把判例看作是在某些情况下必须遵循和适用的规则与原则。在英美法的判例制度中,法官在审判案件中受先例的约束,但法官对待先例具有广泛的酌处权。先例原则包括三个方面的含义:一是遵循先例;二是区别先例;三是创制先例与推翻先例。因此,对待先例的推理类型可以概括为:遵循先例的判例法推理、区别先例的判例法推理、创制先例和推翻先例的判例法推理。其推理模式可以概括为:例推模式与类推模式、区别模式、衡平模式与否决模式。而且公开判决理由是通过对话与交流达成共识或多数意见以寻求法律适用统一性或法制统一性的制度安排。 The operating essence of the case system of common law is that the judge interprets and creates the law. The precedent created by the court through the interpretation and making of law is one of the sources of law. The essence of the case law system of common law does not lie in the judge getting reference and guidance from the previ- ous cases in the trial of a case. Rather, it regards precedent as a rule and principle that must be followed and applied in certain circumstances. In the case system of common law, judges are bound by precedents in trying cases, But judges have broad discretion to deal with precedents. The precedent principle includes three meanings: first, to fol- low precedents; second, to distinguish precedents; and third, to create precedents and overturn precedents. The rea- soning types of precedent can be summarized as follows: case law reasoning following precedents, case law reasoning that distinguishes precedents, case law reasoning that creates precedents and those that overturn precedents. Its rea- soning model can be summarized as follows: case-analogy model, analogy model, distinguishing model, equity mod- el and veto model.Expound the reasons for the judgment is to reach a consensus or majority opinion through dialogue and exchange in order to seek the unity of the application of the law or the unity of the legal system.
作者 王洪 Wang Hong(Institute of Logic of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 102249)
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期50-62,共13页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 中国政法大学校级人文社会科学研究项目"司法裁决证立问题研究"(15ZFG72001)的资助
关键词 判例法推理 法官释法与造法 遵循先例与区别先例 推翻先例与创制先例 reasoning from case law judge'sguish precedents setting precedent and overturninginterpretation and creation of Law follow precedents and distin-precedent
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