
新疆奎屯棉花脱叶催熟剂的混用效果研究 被引量:4

Studies on the Effect of Mixed Defoliant on Cotton in Kuitun District, Xinjiang
摘要 为筛选适宜于新疆奎屯垦区棉花的最佳脱叶催熟剂品种,开展了不同脱叶催熟剂对棉花脱叶效果及产量品质影响的田间小区试验。结果表明,至喷施后20d,所有脱叶催熟剂处理的叶片脱落率均达到70%以上,且T1、T2与T3、T4棉花叶片脱落率差异不大,但T1、T2处理均显著高于单施乙烯利处理。各处理棉铃吐絮率均在90%以上,且不同脱叶催熟剂处理间差异不大,说明所有脱叶催熟剂的催熟效果均较好。喷施脱叶催熟剂后棉花产量、单铃重、衣分、子指、绒长、整齐度指数、断裂比强度、马克隆值、短纤维指数、棉纤维成熟度比等指标较对照无明显差异,说明喷施脱叶催熟剂对棉花产量及品质影响不大。从喷施次数来看,2次喷施的脱叶和吐絮效果略优于1次喷施,但差异不大;棉花品质较1次喷施有轻微降低。因此,综合比较来看,T1处理的脱叶、吐絮效果均较好,且瑞脱龙价格适中,适宜在新疆奎屯垦区大面积推广。 In order to screen the best defoliants for cotton in Kuitun reclamation area, field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different deodorizing agents on cotton leaf removal efficiency, yield and quality. The results showed that up to 20 days after spraying, all leave removal rate reached more than 70%, and the removal rates of Ruituolong and Tuotulong treatment had little difference, but T1 and T2 treatments were significantly higher than the single application of ethephon treatment. The boll opening rate of each treatment was more than 90%, and the difference between defoliant treatments was not significant, which indicated that all the defoliants had good ripening effect. There was no significant difference between the treatment and control in cotton yield, single bell weight, clothing and sub-index, length, uniformity index, break strength, micronaire, maturity ratio, short fibre index, indicating that sprying defoliation ripening agent had little effect on cotton yield and quality. On the basis of the number of spraying, the defoliation and boll opening effect of the twice spray was better than that of the once spraying, but the quality of cotton was slightly lower than that of the once spray. The results indicated that Ruituolong had the best accelerating effect in Kuitun reclamation area for its high efficiency and low cost.
作者 张文 逯涛 叶玉霞 刘铨义 冯杨 Zhang Wen;Lu Tao;Ye Yuxia;Liu Quanyi;Feng Yang(Agricultural Production Division 7, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Kuitun 833200, Xinjiang, Chin)
出处 《作物杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期103-107,共5页 Crops
基金 兵团重大专项(2016AA001-4) 额尔齐斯综合试验站(CARS-18-48)
关键词 脱叶剂 棉花 脱叶 吐絮 品质 Defoliant Cotton Boll opening Quality
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