
电熔镁炉三相电流的约束最优控制 被引量:4

Constrained Optimal Control of Three Phase Currents of Electrically Fused Magnesium Furnace
摘要 电熔镁炉熔化过程中的实际电流能否在设定的电流值范围之内上下波动。这个问题是1个输出带有约束的非线性动态优化问题。首先,利用积分法将该问题转换成1个可以用序贯法求解的动态优化问题;然后,利用序贯法中的序贯二次规划方法得出交流异步电动机的转速最优解;最后,通过仿真验证了该方法能够将电熔镁炉熔化过程中的三相电流保持在设定值范围之内,从而提高了电熔镁砂的熔炼品位。 The problem of whether the actual current can be fluctuated within the range of the set current value is a nonlinear programming dynamic optimization problem with output constrained in the melting process of the electric melting magnesium. Firstly, based on the integral method, the initial problem is converted into a dynamic optimization problem which is solved by the sequential method. Then, the optimum solution of AC asynchronous motor's speed is acquired by using the sequential quadratic programming method. Finally, the simulation results show that the three-phase current of electric melting furnace for magnesium can be remained within the set current value range by this method so as to improve the taste of the melting of fused magnesia.
作者 李晓光 吴志伟 马子潇 付俊 LI Xiao-guang;WU Zhi-wei;MA Zi-xiao;FU Jun(State Key Laboratory of Synthetically Automation or Process Industries, Northeastern Universit;Shenyang 110000, Chin)
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期993-998,共6页 Control Engineering of China
关键词 电熔镁炉 最优控制 三相电流 动态优化 二次序贯法 Electric magnesium smelting furnace optimal control three-phase current dynamic optimization SQP
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