
冠心病介入治疗患者注意偏向及反刍性沉思对创伤后成长的影响 被引量:12

Effects of attention to positive and negative and rumination on post traumatic growth in patientswith coronary artery disease undergoing interventional therapy
摘要 目的调查经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者的创伤后成长水平,探讨反刍性沉思、注意偏向两者对创伤后成长的影响。方法采用一般资料、正性负性信息注意偏向量表(APNIS)、反刍性沉思问卷(ERRI)和创伤后成长量表(PTGI)对360例PCI患者进行调查。结果正性信息注意(API)得分为(38.47 ± 9.33)分,负性信息注意(ANI)得分为(32.99 ± 8.48)分,PTGI总分为(49.96 ± 19.76)分,ERRI分数为(26.52 ± 10.55)分。PCI患者的创伤后成长与API、反刍性沉思(包括目的性及侵入性)均呈正相关,创伤后成长与ANI呈负相关;回归分析表明,API、反刍性沉思(包括目的性及侵入性)可以正向预测创伤后成长,ANI可以负向预测创伤后成长,API、ANI分别与反刍性沉思有显著的交互作用。结论PCI患者的API水平偏低,ANI水平偏高,创伤后成长水平较低,反刍性沉思程度处于中等偏下。临床上应采取措施引导患者增加对正性信息的注意,减少对负性信息的关注,同时引导患者进行正确的反思以促进创伤后成长。 Objective To investigate the level of posttraumatic growth(PTG) in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI), to explore the ruminant, positive/negative information attention to the impact of both on the posttraumatic growth. Methods A study of 360 patients with coronary artery disease was conducted using general information, Event Related Rumination Inventory (ERRI) and Attention to Positive and Negative Information Scale (APNIS) and the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). Results The Attention to Positive information (API) score was (38.47±9.33) points, and the Attention to Negative Information (ANI) score was (32.99 ± 8.48) points for interventional patients with coronary heart disease, the total score of PTGI was (49.96± 19.96) points and the total score of ERRI was (26.52± 10.55) points. In PCI patient the PTG and API were positively correlated with rumination (both purposeful and invasive), and PTG was negatively correlated with ANI. The result showed that API, rumination (including deliberate and intrusive) had positive predictive effect on PTG, and ANI had negative predictive effect on PTG, API and ANI respectively had significant interaction with ruminant meditation. Conclusions Patients with coronary artery disease undergoing interventional therapy reported the API was low, the ANI level was higher, the PTG and rumination level was lower. Clinical measures higher, the PTG and rumination level lower. Clinical measures should be taken to guide patients to pay more attention to positive information, to reduce the concern for negative information, and to guide patients to correct reflection in order to promote post-traumatic growth.
作者 张营 周帅帅 刘太芳 高岚 张爱华 Zhang Ying;Zhou Shuaishuai;Liu Taifang;Gao Lan;Zhang Aihud(School of Nursing, Taishan Medical University, Tai'an 271016, China)
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 2018年第18期1370-1375,共6页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
基金 2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(15YJAZH105) 2016中国生命关怀协会人文护理专业委员会科研项目(RW2016809)
关键词 冠心病介入治疗 反刍性沉思 创伤后成长 正性负性信息注意 Percutaneous coronary intervention Rumination Post traumatic growth Attention to positive and negative
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