2011年,Gaumont-Pathé决定改造巴黎左岸Alésia电影院,以创造新的文化场所。自1921年开业以来该建筑物在建筑学上被视为大胆构造,可容纳2 800名观众,之后经过多次改造将原有体积划分为多个影视厅,从而失去了连贯性。在大家新建的视听效果最佳且比例恰当的影剧院周围,我们通常设计了接待区,在那里可循环播放最具戏剧性的影片。大型立式门厅包括楼梯、自动扶梯和分层座位,共同构成一种面对Place d’Alésia在光滑外墙内部悬挂雕塑的感觉。
In 2011, Gaumont-Path6 decided to rebuild the Atesia cinemas on Paris' Left Bank to create a new cultural destination. While at its opening in 1921 the building was considered architecturally audacious, with its 2 800-place film theatre, it subsequently suffered numerous alterations, dividing the original volume into multiple screens and losing all coherence.
World Architecture Review