

Analysis of Influence Factors on Torque Control for Asynchronous Machine in Rail Transit Traction System
摘要 牵引电机转矩控制性能决定了轨道车辆的动力输出品质和乘客舒适度。针对牵引电机转矩控制精度不高问题,文章从牵引系统PWM控制、牵引电机本体参数设计公差、牵引系统传感器选型误差等方面对牵引系统转矩输出精度的影响进行理论推导和仿真研究,结果表明牵引电机转矩脉动问题远比转矩精度对牵引控制性能的影响大。文章最后指出了轨道交通牵引系统转矩特性优化控制的发展方向。 The accuracy of torque control determines the power output quality and passenger comfort of rail transit vehicles. It studies the problem of torque control precision of traction motor from difference perspective including PWM control of traction system, parameter design tolerance of traction motor and selection error of traction system sensor. The results of theoretical analysis and simulation study are consistent. The research shows that the torque ripple problem of traction motor has a greater impact on the control performance than the torque accuracy. In addition, the analysis also suggests the development direction of traction torque optimization control in rail transportation system.
作者 杨梁崇 YANG Liangchong(Lanzhou Bureau Group Company Vehicle Office, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, Chin)
出处 《控制与信息技术》 2018年第3期38-43,共6页 CONTROL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
关键词 轨道交通 牵引系统 转矩脉动 转矩精度 矢量控制 rail transit traction system torque pulsation torque precision vector control
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