
基于蓝牙的可穿戴式脉搏波形采集系统设计 被引量:13

Design of wearable pulse waveform acquisition system based on Bluetooth
摘要 现在医用的脉搏测量仪器大都体积较大不便于携带,一些手环式脉搏测量仪器只能心率测量,功能并不完善,适用范围不广。实验设计一套便携式蓝牙传输脉搏波形测量仪,通过脉搏传感器接受脉搏信号进行放大滤波变成模拟电压信号,主控系统对模拟信号进行处理得到完整的数字脉搏信号,最后使用蓝牙无线传输将数字信号传输到手机,在手机端软件可以清晰的观察到心率和脉搏波形图。脉搏波形可以通过手机随时监测并且保存在手机中。设计结果小巧简单便于携带并可以制成手环形状佩戴在手上,有很大实用价值,可用于医疗保健,家庭生活和个人运动中。 Now most of the medical pulse measuring instruments are not easy to carry large volume, and some hand-ring pulse measuring instrument only heart rate measurement function is not perfect, the scope of application is not wide. Experimental design A set of portable Bluetooth transmission pulse waveform measuring instrument, pulse signal through the pulse sensor to amplify and filter into an analog voltage signal, the master control system for processing the analog signal to obtain a complete digital pulse signal, the last use of Bluetooth wireless transmission of digital signals Transmission to the phone, the phone side of the software can clearly observe the heart rate and pulse waveforms. Pulse waveforms can be monitored and saved on the handset at any time. The design results are compact and easy to carry and can be made in the shape of a bracelet worn on the hand and have great practical value for use in heahhcare, family life and personal sports.
作者 杨应鹏 陈晓 YANG Yingpeng;CHEN Xiao(School of Eleclronics and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China)
出处 《激光杂志》 北大核心 2018年第6期74-77,共4页 Laser Journal
基金 江苏省第十一批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目 江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20161536) 江苏高校优势学科Ⅱ期建设工程资助项目
关键词 便携 脉搏测量 无线传输 实用 portable pulse measurement wireless transmission practical
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