
我国规制ICT产业标准必要专利挟持的强度选择 被引量:1

The strength choice of regulation of ICT industry standard essential patents holdup in China
摘要 近年来,ICT产业标准必要专利挟持的情况在我国不断出现,对标准必要专利挟制采取何种强度的规制,是进行具体法律规制建议的基础和起点。规制强度的确定,可以为具体的标准必要专利法律规制提供价值导向和参考。在选择规制强度的时候,应该分析以下因素:我国ICT企业标准必要专利的国际竞争力状况,ICT产业标准必要专利的自身特点,欧美对ICT产业标准必要专利挟持的法律规制强度状况等。基于对上述因素的分析,建议我国对ICT产业标准必要专利挟持的规制采取较高强度。较高强度的规制有利于减少标准必要专利挟持的发生,有利于维护我国ICT企业的利益,有利于保护公共利益。 In recent years,the situation of ICT industry standard essential patents holdup has been constantly appearing in China.What kind of strength of regulation should be adopted to standard essential patents holdup is the basis and starting point of the specific legal regulation suggestion. The determination on the strength of regulation can provide value orientation and reference for the specific legal regulation of standard essential patents holdup. In choosing the strength of regulation,the following factors should be analyzed.The first factor is the status of international competitiveness of Chinese ICT enterprises' standard essential patents. The second factor is the characteristics of ICT industry standard essential patents. The third factor is the strength of legal regulation of ICT industry standard essential patents holdup in Europe and USA. Based on the analysis of the above factors,it is suggested that China should adopt a higher strength to regulating ICT industry standard essential patents holdup. Higher strength regulation will be beneficial to reducing standard essential holdup,maintaining the interests of Chinese ICT enterprises and protecting the public interest.
作者 贾辰君 JIA Chen - jun(School of Intellectual Property/School of Civil Commercial and Economic Law Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou 450046, Chin)
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期974-983,共10页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA140)
关键词 标准必要专利 挟持 ICT产业 规制强度 standard essential patents holdup ICT industry the strength of regulation
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