

Effect of Bag Dust and Bentonite on Blast Furnace Top Gas Dechlorinating Agent
摘要 在脱氯剂制备过程中添加布袋灰和膨润土制得高炉炉顶煤气专用脱氯剂,考察了布袋灰含量、膨润土含量、焙烧温度对高炉炉顶煤气脱氯剂的影响,并得到了较为适宜的制备工艺。研究表明:布袋灰可以克服消石灰单一组分脱氯剂氯容量低的缺点,减弱了高炉煤气中CO_2气体对脱氯剂性能的不利影响;适当比例的膨润土不仅可以改善活性成分的分散度,提升脱氯剂的化学性能,还能使脱氯剂保持较高机械强度;适宜的焙烧温度可以提高脱氯剂活性,改善脱氯剂的孔隙结构。高炉炉顶煤气脱氯剂的较为适宜的制备工艺:布袋灰的含量控制在8%左右,黏结剂的含量控制在6%左右,将各种原料混合均匀,加适量蒸馏水混匀,挤压成小圆柱型,烘干后在400℃下焙烧制得。本试验制备的高炉炉顶煤气脱氯剂在反应19.25 h后穿透氯容量达到17.33%,机械强度达到了60.5 N/cm^3。并且为布袋灰的综合利用又开辟了新的领域。 Bag ash and bentonite were added for preparing for blast furnace top gas dechlorinating agent in the preparation process of dechlorinating agent. The effects of bag dust content, bentonite content, calcination temperature of blast furnace on the top gas dechlorinating agent was investigated, and the preparation process was obtained. Research shows that the bag dust lime can overcome the single component removal of chlorine disadvantages of low capacity, weaken the adverse impact on the performance of the CO2 removal of chlorine gas in blast furnace gas, dispersion of the appropriate proportion of bentonite can not only improve the active ingredients, chemical dechlorinating agent, but also keep high mechanical strength, the suitable calcination temperature can improve the dechlorinating agent activity, and the pore structure of dechlorinating agent. Blast furnace top gas dechlorinating agent is suitable for the preparation of content: sack dust is about 8%, the content of binder is about 6%, the raw materials are mixed evenly, appropriate amount of distilled water is added for mixing, small cylindrical is extruded, and is dried at 400 ℃ to roast. The test preparation of blast furnace top gas dechlorinating agent in the reaction of 19.25 h after penetrating chlorine capacity reached 17.33%, mechanical strength reached 60.5 N/cm3, and it has opened up a new field for the comprehensive utilization of the bag ash.
作者 胡学武 胡宾生 贵永亮 胡桂渊 Hu Xuewu;Hu Binsheng;Gui Yongliang;Hu Guiyuan(College of Metallurgy & Energy, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei, Chin)
出处 《矿产综合利用》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第3期109-113,共5页 Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51274080)
关键词 布袋灰 膨润土 脱氯剂 高炉炉顶煤气 Bag dust Bentonite Dechlorinating agent Blast furnace top gas
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