
锥形束CT与螺旋CT应用于颞骨显像的辐射剂量分析 被引量:10

Dosimetry of cone-beam computed tomography and multi-slice computed tomography scanning for temporal bone
摘要 目的比较分析锥形束cT与多层螺旋cT应用于颞骨显像时的辐射剂量。方法将63枚经过校准的热释光剂量芯片分别放置到头颈部体模的21处解剖点上,每处3枚,采用锥形束CT和螺旋CT在对头颈部体模颞骨进行扫描,采用RGD-3D型读出器测量每个芯片的剂量,取均数,作为该解剖点的吸收剂量值。按照国际放射防护委员会2007年推荐的组织权重因子,计算出两种扫描设备的有效剂量。使用独立样本t检验对两种设备扫描得到的有效剂量进行比较分析,P〈0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果本研究采用的锥形束CT和螺旋CT均可扫描获取到颞骨的三维影像。锥形束CT设备可分别对双侧颞骨和单侧颞骨进行扫描,其扫描视野的选择较为灵活。锥形束CT扫描双侧颞骨时的全部有效剂量为164.1μSv,其中辐射较敏感组织骨髓、甲状腺和唾液腺的有效剂量分别为32.1、10.6、31.0μSv;扫描单侧颞骨时的全部有效剂量为98.1μSv,其中骨髓、甲状腺和唾液腺的有效剂量分别为17.4、6.2、16.1μSv。螺旋CT对双侧颞骨进行扫描时的全部有效剂量为714.6μSv,其中骨髓、甲状腺和唾液腺的有效剂量分别为95.1、127.8、135.7μSv,其全部有效剂量和器官有效剂量均显著高于锥形束CT(均P〈0.01)。结论在对双侧颞骨区域进行扫描时,锥形束CT的辐射剂量显著低于螺旋CT,采用锥形束CT扫描单侧颞骨时的辐射剂量约为扫描双侧颞骨时辐射剂量的一半。 Objective To compare the effective radiation dose levels of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) with those of multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) when scanning for the temporal bone. Methods The absorbed doses of CBCT and MSCT scanners were detected using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) that were placed in a head and neck phantom and a RGD-3D dose reader. Then the effective doses were calculated and expressed according to the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) 2007 guidelines. Results Three-dimensional images about temporal bone can obtained by both CBCT and MSCT scanners in this study. The effective dose value of CBCT scanning for bilateral and unilateral temporal bone was 164. 1 p, Sv ( bone marrow: 32. 1 ptSv; thyroid gland: 10. 6 IxSv; salivary glands:31.0 μSv), and 98.1 μSv (bone marrow:17. 4 μSv; thyroid gland:6. 2 μSv; salivary glands:16. 1 μ Sv), respectively. The dose of MSCT scanning for bilateral temporal bone was 714. 6 μSv (bone marrow: 95.1 p, Sv; thyroid gland:127. 8 μSv; salivary glands: 135.7 μSv). Conclusions When scanning for the temporal regions, the dose levels for CBCT are lower than those for MSCT. Dose levels reduction for CBCT could be obtained when smaller regions were scanned.
作者 谢晓艳 张祖燕 王争 尹红霞 贾淑梅 Xie Xiaoyan;Zhang Zuyan;Wang Zheng;Yin Hongxia;Jia Shumei(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beifing 100081, China)
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第23期1837-1840,共4页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(11435007) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(81400568)
关键词 辐射剂量 锥形束CT 体层摄影术 X线计算机 颞骨显像 Radiation dose Cone-beam computer tomography Tomography X-ray computed Temporal imaging
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