半桥子模块((half bridge sub-module,HBSM)是构成HBSM型模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter,M M C)的基本单元,HBSM开路或短路故障是M M C的常见故障,实现对其快速、准确地诊断及可靠地保护关系到MMC-HVDC系统安全稳定运行,具有重要研究意义。该文首先对HBSM中IGBT的开路、短路故障进行了全面的故障特性分析,基于故障特性分析,在仅需要测量子模块电容电压,不需要增加额外测点的情况下,提出了HBSM中IGBT的开路、IGBT或反并联二极管(FWD)短路故障的诊断策略,提出的诊断策略逻辑简单,计算结果仅有"0"、"1"和"∞"3种形式,且不受外部交直流系统故障的干扰。在提出故障诊断策略的基础上,设计了冗余HBSM处于"热备用"运行状态时的故障隔离策略,实现在不用闭锁整个换流站的情况下可靠地隔离发生故障的HBSM。最后,通过PSCAD/EMTDC仿真试验,验证了所提出的故障诊断策略及隔离方案的可行性。
Half bridge sub-modules( HBSM) are the basic units of HBSM-MMC( modular multilevel converter),whose malfunction is one of the common faults in MMC. It has significance to realize the fast and correct fault diagnosis and protection,which are connected to the safe and stable operation of the system. In this paper,a comprehensive fault characteristic analysis on open circuit and short circuit fault of IGBT in HBSMis carried out. Depended on the analysis of fault characteristics,fault diagnosis strategies of IGBT open-circuit,IGBT or FWD short-circuit fault of HBSMare put forward,only needing to measure the voltage of the sub-module capacitance,without additional measuring points. The logic of the diagnosis strategies is simple,whose calculation results are merely represented by "0","1 "and " ∞ ",and the proposed methods will not be interfered by external failures in AC and DC system. Then,the fault isolation strategy based on the redundant HBSMin the"hot standby "operation state is designed to realize reliable isolation of the fault HBSM,without locking the whole converter station. Finally,the simulation experiment in PSCAD/EMTDC verifies the feasibility of the proposed diagnosis strategies and isolation scheme.
ZHENG TAO;ZHANG Zihang(State Key Laboratory of New Energy Power System (North China Electric Power University), Beijing 102206, China)
Electric Power Construction