The co-agglomeration of producer services and manufacturing is one of the important driving forces ofeconomic development in our country. At the same time, the path and effect of co-agglomeration on the regionaleconomy in our country is one of the important topics. In this paper,the producer services was subdivided into basicproducer services and supportive producer services, and the city size is included in the analysis framework. Weseparately discusses the path and effect of two types of producer services and manufacturing co-agglomeration onregional economy under different urban scale conditions. Draw the following conclusions:(1)The influence path ofco-agglomeration on regional economy was reduce the intermediates input costs and labor firstly, supplemented byknowledge sharing and technology spillover effects.(2)The co-agglomeration effect was influenced by city size. Theco-agglomeration of supportive producer services and manufacturing on regional economy in large-scale urban isobviously stronger than that of small and medium-sized cities. On the contrary, the co-agglomeration of basicproduction services and manufacturing in small and medium-sized cities will more effective.
Chen Zizhen;Lei Zhendan
Regional Economic Review