本文的目的是跟踪和梳理在过去20年里,公共养老金"系统改革"的理论与实践历程以及国际最新动态与教训,详实全面地考察我国的养老金改革与世界各国有何不同,为中国养老金顶层设计提供切实的参考。我们发现:公共养老金"系统改革"的主要推动人之一Robert Holzmann于2013年公开承认这项改革的理论依据是错误的;没有一个发达国家采用这项改革措施;实施了这项改革的38个发展中国家中的绝大多数都撤回了。相比之下,自2015年起实施的机关事业单位的养老金改革,使中国成为唯一大规模推进强制缴费的积累制养老金的国家。
This paper investigates the global trend on the practices and theoretical analysis on system reform of public pensions, comparing the differences between China and other countries. We find that one major advocate, Robert Holzmann publicly admitted that "the call for funding was at times motivated by incorrect arguments that funding by itself would be able to address population ageing and the incorrect assumption that the then high funded rates of return would continue in the future." None of the developed country has adopted this reform approach, and the majority of developing countries with systemic reform have reversed their pension privatization reforms. Therefore, China has become the only country in the world that is strongly expanding the mandatory funded pensions after the reform of public sector pensions in 2015.
Wang Xinmei(Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China)
Chinese Social Security Review