The success of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism is heavily attributed to the expansive range and multitude of genetic and molecular tools available to modify gene expression at will. The GaI4/UAS binary system is one of the most important and widely used genetic tools in Drosophila designed for targeted gene expression (Brand and Perrimon, 1993), which allows ectopic expression of any gene (or transgene) in specific tissues, independent of their native regulators. However, a drawback of the original UASt-transgene is its silence in germline cells--when the UASt-RFPhis transgene was driven by a ubiquitously expressed 6al4 under the ActinSC promoter (act-Gal4), RFP expression was only detected in the somatic follicle cells, but not in the germline nurse cells or the oocyte (Fig. 1A).
The success of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism is heavily attributed to the expansive range and multitude of genetic and molecular tools available to modify gene expression at will. The GaI4/UAS binary system is one of the most important and widely used genetic tools in Drosophila designed for targeted gene expression (Brand and Perrimon, 1993), which allows ectopic expression of any gene (or transgene) in specific tissues, independent of their native regulators. However, a drawback of the original UASt-transgene is its silence in germline cells--when the UASt-RFPhis transgene was driven by a ubiquitously expressed 6al4 under the ActinSC promoter (act-Gal4), RFP expression was only detected in the somatic follicle cells, but not in the germline nurse cells or the oocyte (Fig. 1A).
supported by NIH Grant R01GM072562 and NSF Grant IOS1557904