The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is one of the core hu- man rights conventions of the United Nations, and is of milestone significance in the interna- tional movement of persons with disabilities. During the drafting process, the Convention has received universal support from all countries around the world and active participation from NGOs. After entering into force, the Convention provided world countries with important guid- ing principles for the development of persons with disabilities in various countries. The Chinese government is an active initiator and important participant in the drafting of the Conven- tion. China is, among others, the earliest signatory and ratifier of the Convention, and it is al- so a faithful performing country of the Convention. The endeavor and wisdom China has devot- ed for the drafting and enactment of the Convention has been widely acknowledged and appreci- ated by the United Nations and countries around the world. The experiences accumulated by the Chinese government in the process of implementation of the Convention can served as other countries' reference.
Human Rights