
考虑潮汐因素的连续泊位和岸桥集成分配研究 被引量:3

Integrated Allocation of Continuous Berth and Quay Crane Considering Tidal
摘要 泊位和岸桥是集装箱码头非常重要的资源,合理的分配及使用是提高集装箱码头作业效率的重要途径。在港口业务的实践中,泊位水深会限制船舶停泊,因为泊位水深必须匹配船舶的吃水。考虑船舶停泊位置的水深随时间而变化的潮汐码头,以最小化时间延迟成本及岸桥使用成本为目标,建立考虑潮汐影响的连续泊位和岸桥集成分配的混合整数规划模型。通过CPLEX求解得到船舶的靠泊计划及岸桥分配计划。数值结果表明:文中模型在解决实际港口中泊位和岸桥分配问题上的有效性。 Berths and quay cranes( QCs) are the two most important resources of container terminals,and their rational allocation and use is an important way to improve the efficiency of container terminal operation.In the practice of port operations,water depth at berth might restrict the mooring of vessels since berth water depth had to match the draft of vessels.Considering a tidal wharf whose water depth of vessels at berth varied with time,a mixed integer programming model was constructed with the consideration of the continuous berth and quay crane assignment problem( QCAP) under the influence of tidal factor,whose target was to minimize the cost of time delay and the use of quay crane.The plan of vessel berthing and the quay crane allocation was obtained by CPLEX.Numerical results show that the proposed model is effective in solving the allocation problem of the berth and quay crane in the actual port.
作者 史立 管明静 郭金鑫 SHI Li;GUAN Mingjing;GUO Jinxin(Logistics Research Center, Academy of Scientific Research, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, P. R. China)
出处 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第4期116-120,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71471110)
关键词 交通运输工程 连续泊位 泊位分配 岸桥分配 潮汐 traffic and transportation engineering continuous berth berth allocation quay crane assignment tidal
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