The effects of varying the mass and volume of ground chip and pellet particles on the particle drying rate were analyzed. Samples of whole pellets and chips were hammer milled using a 3.2 mm screen and the ground chip and pellet particles were found to have similar size distributions, although the pellet particles were denser and more spherical than the chip particles. Prior to drying, water was added to the particles to obtain 0.10, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, and 0.90 moisture contents (on a dry mass basis). The moistened particles were subsequently dried in a constant temperature thin layer dryer set at 50,100, 150, or 200 ~C under dry pure nitrogen, dry compressed air, or atmospheric air. The chip and pellet particles exhibited similar degrees of shrinkage, but the pellet particles underwent a greater reduction in their bulk volume during drying. It appears that the more spherical pellet particles are prone to shrinkage in more than one direction, whereas the needle-like chip particle shrink only in one direction. A variable radius first order drying model was found to fit the experimental data better than a fixed radius model.
The effects of varying the mass and volume of ground chip and pellet particles on the particle drying rate were analyzed. Samples of whole pellets and chips were hammer milled using a 3.2 mm screen and the ground chip and pellet particles were found to have similar size distributions, although the pellet particles were denser and more spherical than the chip particles. Prior to drying, water was added to the particles to obtain 0.10, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, and 0.90 moisture contents (on a dry mass basis). The moistened particles were subsequently dried in a constant temperature thin layer dryer set at 50,100, 150, or 200 ~C under dry pure nitrogen, dry compressed air, or atmospheric air. The chip and pellet particles exhibited similar degrees of shrinkage, but the pellet particles underwent a greater reduction in their bulk volume during drying. It appears that the more spherical pellet particles are prone to shrinkage in more than one direction, whereas the needle-like chip particle shrink only in one direction. A variable radius first order drying model was found to fit the experimental data better than a fixed radius model.