
云南蔗农种植行为、组织形式及其存在问题的调查报告——基于201份农户调查问卷 被引量:10

A Survey Report on Planting Behavior, Type of Organization and Present Problems of Sugarcane Farmers in Yunnan——Questionnaire Based on 201 Households in Yunnan Province
摘要 云南201份蔗农调查问卷显示:第一,我国土地细碎化特征显著;第二,农户种植行为呈"有限理性"特征,种植决策主要受到上年甘蔗收购价和比较收益的影响;第三,甘蔗收购价较高且稳定对于稳定面积效果显著,但对增加面积效果不显著,主要受土地资源不足及供给价格弹性影响;第四,农户面临短期收益与中长期收益之间的不匹配,劳动力短缺且价格上涨是蔗农面临的主要问题,机械化是解决该问题的根本出路,然而农户决策以高产为目标,行距、品种选择与机械化不配套现象普遍存在;第五,务农收入是农户的主要收入来源,蔗农对单产量高、抗逆性强的种苗需求以及因地制宜的品种选择意愿最强烈;第六,糖厂与蔗农之间的紧密关系稳定了甘蔗生产和销售,但也存在一些不合理现象(如扣杂和砍运安排不合理)。进而提出了稳定甘蔗收购价、加快蔗款兑付、优化入榨砍运时间安排、获得生产扶持、尽快推进机械化,缓解劳动力短缺问题等建议。 The results of questionnaires from 201 sugarcane farmers in Yunnan province indicate that: First, the characteristics of land fragmentation are significant. Second, small-scale farmer households have "limited rationality" behavior. Some lag exists in the sugarcane planting decision-making, which is mainly influenced by the purchasing price of sugarcane in the previous year and comparative profit. Third, the high and stable purchasing price of sugarcane plays an important role in stabilizing the planting area, but it can hardly increase the area, which is mainly due to the shortage of land resources and affected by elasticity of supply price. Fourth,sugarcane farmers face the discrepancy between short-term gains and long-term gains. The shortage and the price increase of labor force are the main problems that sugarcane farmers are facing. Mechanization is the fundamental way to solve the problem. However, it is faced with a series of issues on matching up agricultural machinery and agronomy due to the high yield for farmers' decision. Fifth, farming income is the main source of income for farmers. Sugarcane farmers have the strongest desire for purchasing seedlings with high single yields and strong stress resistance. Sixth, although the close connection between sugar mills and sugarcane farmers stabilizes sugarcane production, the irrationality of deduction, unreasonable arrangement of harvest and transporting sugarcane also affect the relationship between the two. Farmers also put forward proposals such as stabilizing sugarcane purchasing prices, speeding up the payment of sugarcane, reasonable arrangement of harvest and transporting sugarcane, providing production support and promoting mechanization to solve shortage of labor force.
作者 刘晓雪 张书楠 LIU Xiao-xue;ZHANG Shu-nan(School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)
出处 《中国糖料》 2018年第4期48-57,共10页 Sugar Crops of China
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系(糖料)建设专项资金(CARS-170601) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(13YJC790097) 国家社科基金一般项目"基于粮食安全的粮食生产与期货市场对接研究"(14BJY135)
关键词 甘蔗产业 种植行为 种植决策 甘蔗收购价格 比较收益 机械化 问卷调查 sugarcane industry planting behavior planting decision-making purchasing price of sugarcane comparative profit mechanization questionnaire survey
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