
2011~2016年青岛市居民主要膳食镉暴露水平评估 被引量:3

Assessment on the dietary exposure of cadmium among residents,Qingdao city,2011-2016
摘要 目的了解青岛市居民主要食品中镉含量水平,对该居民通过膳食途径暴露镉的健康风险进行初步评估。方法2011~2016年在青岛市监测10类主要食品共1 705份样品,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定食品中镉的含量,结合居民膳食消费量,比照镉的暂定每月耐受摄入量(PTMI)及安全限值(MOS)并进行风险评估。结果 1 705份样品中仅25份水产类样品镉含量超标。10类食品中镉含量均值为87.31μg/kg,其中水产类镉含量均值最高,为431.00μg/kg;其次为内脏类和面类,镉含量均值分别为66.34、23.54μg/kg。镉检出率最高的为水产类,其次为面类。居民每月主要食物镉暴露量总和(P95)为2 800.95μg,并且超过每月允许摄入量,MOS值为0.54。面类为居民膳食镉暴露比例最高者(51.39%),最低为坚果类(0.00%)。结论青岛市居民大部分膳食镉暴露处于安全水平,但是镉暴露危险食品为水产类和面类。 Objective To understand the cadmium level of main food,and preliminarily assess the risk of dietary cadmium exposure among residents in Qingdao city. Methods A total of 1 705 samples of 10 kinds of food categories were collected in Qingdao city,2011-2016.According to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry,cadmium contents were determined in food.The health risk was assessed by comparing the cadmium exposure with the provisional tolerable monthly intake(PTMI)and the margins of safety(MOS)of cadmium. Results The concentration of cadmium in 10 kinds of food groups was 87.31μg/kg.The highest concentration of aquatic products was 431.00μg/kg,the respective concentration of internal organs and flour-made dishes was 66.34μg/kg and 23.54μg/kg.Aquatic products had the highest detection rate of cadmium,followed by flour-made dishes.The total amount of cadmium exposure per month(P95)was2 800.95 and exceeded the allowable intake of the month,and the MOS value was 0.54.The highest proportion of cadmium exposure(51.39%)for residents was flour-made dishes,and nut(0.00%)was the lowest. Conclusion The dietary exposure of cadmium is at the safe level among residents in Qingdao city,but the risk foods for cadmium exposure are aquatic products and flour-made dishe.
作者 石学香 李丹丹 肖楠 王本利 叶兵 崔成祥 SHI Xue-xiang;LI Dan-dan;XIAO Nan;WANG Ben-li;YE Bing;CUI Cheng-xiang(Qingdao City Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Qingdao, Shandong, 266033, Chin)
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2018年第3期181-183,187,共4页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
基金 青岛市医疗卫生优秀人才培养项目资助(青卫科教字[2017]9号)
关键词 食品安全 食品污染物 居民膳食 暴露评估 Food safety Food contaminants Diet Cadmium Exposure assessment
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