

Research on the Soft Law in the Legal System of Macao
摘要 从软法理论视角研究"政府-社团"二元治理体系下的澳门特区,可以勾勒出澳门"硬法+软法"二元法律体系框架。社团章程等社会法规范都属于软法规范,而澳门广义政府立法文件中含硬法规范和少量软法规范。澳门政府立法中的软法规范为政府与民间的持续互动留有空间,防止政府滥用职权,能实现公共治理中的帕累托改进。澳门软法治理实践体现出一国两制下的澳门二元合作治理特色,有效约束软法创制和适用中的随意性,政府也为民间自治提供了良好的法律基础。应保持民间自治传统,慎重对待政府立法中的软法规范并对其实施效果进行科学考评,软法规范密集的领域若需立法可以考虑纲要法形式,可尝试推广消费者委员会"行业守则"模式。 The research on the Macao Special Administrative Region under the dual governance system of "government-society"from the perspective of soft law theory can outline the framework of the dual legal system of "hard law + soft law" in Macao. Regulations of social organizations and some other laws of society belong to the soft law, while the legislative documents in the broad sense of Macao government contain hard-law-norms and a small number of soft-law-norms. In Macao government legislation, soft law norms leave space for constant interactions between the government and the public, so as to prevent the government from abusing its power and to achieve Pareto improvement in public governance. The practice of Macao soft law governance embodies the characteristics of Macao dual cooper-ation governance system of "government-society" under the "one country, two systems" principle, effectively constrains the randomness in the creation and application of soft law. Meanwhile government presents a good legal basis for self-government by civilians. The tradi-tion of self-government by civilians shall be maintained,the soft law norms in government legislation should be treated prudently and the effect of their implementation should be scientifically evaluated. If any legislation is needed in the fields where soft laws norms are in-tensive, outline method can be considered and the mode of "Industry Code" in promoting Consumer Council can be tried.
作者 雷明昊 LEI Ming-hao(School of Government , Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
出处 《陕西行政学院学报》 2018年第2期66-72,共7页 Journal of Shaanxi Academy of Governance
基金 澳门特别行政区政府政策研究室委托课题"澳门多元纠纷解决机制的软法理论研究"(4432-104-024)
关键词 澳门 法律体系 公共治理 软法规范 软法治理 Macao legal system public governance soft law soft law governance
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