
超高龄高血压患者入院营养状态与近期非致死性心血管事件发生率 被引量:3

The Relationship Between Nutrition Status and Incidence of Recent Non-fetal Cardiovascular Events Amonng Super-elderly Hypertensive Patients
摘要 目的:分析超高龄高血压患者营养状态与近期非致死性心血管事件(NFCE)的关系。方法:选择2014年2月—2017年2月于重庆市江津区中心医院就诊的80岁以上(不含80岁)高血压患者180例,采用控制营养指数积分对入院时患者的营养状况进行评分,根据评分结果进行分组,观察入院后1、2、4、12w NFCE发生率,并采用多因素Logistic回归分析法分析NFCE的危险因素。结果:12w的随访观察结果表明,营养状态正常、轻度异常、中度异常、重度异常患者NFCE的发病率分别为4.76%、11.48%、15.00%、66.67%。BMI指数、白蛋白、前白蛋白、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白、血糖在不同程度营养不良患者中具有显著差异(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,构成控制营养指数积分的体重指数、白蛋白、血清铁蛋白、三酰甘油是NFCE的独立危险因素,且控制营养指数对心血管事件具有良好的预测性。结论:大于80岁的超高龄高血压患者的营养状况与NFCE具有密切关系,控制营养指数积分越高,NFCE发生的风险越高。 【Objective】To analyze the relationship between nutritional status and recent non-fatal cardiovascular events( NFCE) in super-elderly hypertensive patients. 【Method】A total of 180 hypertensive patients over the age of 80( excluding 80 years old) were selected,the patients ’ nutrition status was scored by controlling the nutrition index scores( Conut). According to the scores,the patients were grouped,the incidence of NFCE in 1 w,2 w,4 w,12 w was observed,and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze risk factors of NFCE.【Result】The incidence of NFCE was 4. 76%,11. 48%,15. 00% and 66. 67% in normal group,mild,moderate and severe abnormity group in the follow-up observations of 12 weeks. BMI,albumin,prealbumin,total cholesterol,triacylglycerol,low-density lipoprotein and blood glucose were significantly different in patients with varying degrees of malnutrition( P 〈 0. 05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the BMI,albumin,serum ferritin and triacylglycerol were independent risk factors of NFCE,and the control of nutrition index had good predictability for cardiovascular events. 【Conclusion】Nutritional status of hypertensive patients older than 80 years is closely related to NFCE. The higher the control of nutritional index score,the higher the risk of NFCE.
作者 李波 吴春蓉 LI Bo1, WU Chun-rong2(1.Department of Cardiology,Jiangjin Central Hospital, Chongqing 402260, China;2.Department of Oncology,Jiangjin Central Hospital, Chongqing 402260, Chin)
出处 《中国食物与营养》 2018年第5期83-86,共4页 Food and Nutrition in China
基金 重庆市江津区科技计划项目(攻关)(项目编号:Y2017014)
关键词 营养状态 超高龄 高血压 非致死性心血管事件 nutrition status super-elderly patient hypertention NFCE
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