
基础教育改革的经济逻辑 被引量:3

The Economic Logic of the Reform of Basic Education
摘要 基础教育改革形成的经济逻辑具有利益调整性与多方共赢性、经费国家承载性与消费持续供给性两个特征。基础教育改革实施的经济逻辑具有外在公益性与潜在趋利性、利润广泛性与获利他者性两个特征。基础教育改革经济因素力度与限度博弈的经济逻辑具有三个特征,即:基本趋向是力度大于限度;力度的依据在于经济赢利的本能驱使和经济赢利外部供给条件的满足;限度的大致条件是无法获利、垄断性获利和唯趋利倾向恶果完全暴露并破坏了改革各项目标的正常达成。 If we examine the reform of basic education in an economic angle,we can find that,there are two apparent characteristics during the period of formation. One is in the benefit-adjusted aspect: each reform aims to balance the benefits and wants to obtain a multiple wins among the different groups. The other is in the expenditure aspect: all the expenditure of the reform has been long-termly afforded and burdened by national finance. There are two apparent characteristics during the period of enforcement. One is the external publicity and the internal profits chasing: each reform will be potentially exploited to chase profits by the businessmen while it has been regarded as a social public course. The other characteristic is that most of the widely potential profits will be obtained by the businessmen rather than the educational system. There are three apparent characteristics of the economic factors which affect the reform of basic education. The first is that the economic factors always support,precipitate and accelerate the formation and implementation of the reform of basic education. The second is the reason why the economic factors will support or precipitate the reform of basic education lies in the nature of the businessmen's profitability and they can obtain large profits from the reform. The third is the economic disagree or impede.Only when the businessmen can get tremendous profits from the reform and can hold these profits for a long time,will they support the reform. If they cannot obtain the profits from the reform,their behaviors of purely chasing profit will damage the realization of the reform.
作者 容中逵 RONG Zhongkui(Research Center for Teachers Development, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311121, China)
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期67-77,共11页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 基础教育改革 形成 实施 经济逻辑 the reform of basic education formation elfforcement economic logic
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