
阳极电极面积对双极室微生物燃料电池的产电影响 被引量:1

Research on effect of anode electrode area on electricity generation of two-chamber microbial full cell
摘要 为了研究微生物燃料电池在不同阳极电极面积下产电效率和废水处理效果,分别制作面积为25、50和75 cm^2的阳极电极与面积为50 cm^2的阴极电极,以啤酒废水作为阳极基质,含银电镀废水作为阴极电子受体,构建双极室微生物燃料电池。结果表明:阳极电极面积为75 cm^2的MFC产电量和COD去除率最高,50 cm^2次之,25 cm^2最低。阳极电极面积为75 cm^2的MFC最高电压和功率密度可达375.10 m V和18.76 m W/m^2。第3周期时COD去除率达到最高为68.88%,实验结束时阴极银离子浓度最低至309 mg/L。不同阳极电极面积对MFC产电效率和废水处理效果有影响。 This paper attempts to investigate the electricity production and wastewater treatment of microbial fuel cell( MFC) with different area of anode electrode. The study underscores the construction of two-chamber microbial fuel cell by creating anode electrode area of 25 cm^2,50 cm^2,and 75 cm^2 and cathode electrode of 50 cm^2,and using beer wastewater as the anode substrate,and using electroplating wastewater containing Ag+as cathode electron acceptor. The results demonstrate that the microbial full cell with anode electrode of 75 cm^2 boasts the highest power production and COD removal rate,followed by 50 cm^2 and then by 25 cm^2; MFC with anode electrode of 75 cm^2 has the highest voltage output of up to 375. 1 mV and the maximum power density of 18. 76 m W/m^2,and above all,the highest COD removal rate of 68. 88% in the third cycle,along with the lowest concentration of 309 mg/L in cathode silver ion at the end of experiment. It follows that different areas of anode electrode in two-chamber microbial full cell have an effect on the electricity production efficiency and wastewater treatment effect.
作者 李永峰 曲震 张洋 王昭云 那冬晨 贾雨薇 Li Yongfeng;Qu Zhen;Zhang Yang;Wang Zhaoyun;Na Dongchen;Jia Yuwei(College of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China;College of Life Sciences,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,China)
出处 《黑龙江科技大学学报》 CAS 2018年第3期297-301,共5页 Journal of Heilongjiang University of Science And Technology
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(E201354)
关键词 微生物燃料电池 阳极电极面积 啤酒废水 电镀废水 产电 microbial full cell area of anode electrode beer wastewater electroplating wastewater electricity generation
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