边疆民族地区城市化转型社区在经济社会急剧转型过程之中, 经济资产如何建设这一问题愈显重要.对丽江纳西族城市化转型社区 W 村的经验研究显示, 边疆民族地区城市化转型社区因受信用可及性缺乏、 自由经济市场不完善、 公民社会建设滞后等宏观结构性因素制约,社区经济资产的自主建设难显成效.以经验研究来总结, 可以运用改革产权制度、 提高信用可及性、建立家庭发展账户、推进社会保障制度发展、 完善自由市场经济制度、 建设就业创业社会服务体系等政策实践, 促进家庭经济资产建设; 可以采用积极实施社区经济发展项目、 建设社区公民社会等政策实践, 推进集体经济资产建设.从而逐渐建立社区迈向内源发展、 参与式发展和可持续发展的经济基础.
In the process of the profound transformations in economy and society, the matter that how toefficiently build the financial assets of the transitional communities for urbanization in frontier ethnic areashas become more and more important. According to the empirical study on W village which is a transitionalcommunity of Naxi ethnic minorities for urbanization in Lijiang, it has been found that the initiativeconstructions about the financial assets of the transitional communities for urbanization in frontier ethnicareas have been achieving little because of the macrostructure factors such as the deficiency of access tocredit, the incompletion of free market-oriented economy systems and the inadequate development ofCommunity civil society. Due to the empirical study, policy practices such as the innovation about propertyrights system, the increase of access to credit, the establishing of family development accounts, thepromoting of social security systems, the completing of free market-oriented economy systems and theimproving of social service system in regard to employment and starting business should implemented tovigorously promote the construction of the domestic financial assets while policy methods such as theactively carrying out of community economy development programs and the developing of Community civilsociety should be taken to improve the construction of Community collective financial assets. Thus the economic foundation of endogenous, participant and sustainable development for these communities will begradually established.
BU Wen-hu(Lijiang Teachers' College, Lijiang, 674199, Yunnan, China)
Journal of Lijiang Teachers College
financial assets construction
transitional community
Community development