
活动性矫治器治疗儿童前牙反的临床效果研究 被引量:1

Clinical effect of active appliance in the treatment of children's anterior teeth
摘要 目的分析在临床前牙反患儿治疗中,活动性矫治器治疗的效果。方法选择本院在2016年1月至2017年10月收治的78例前牙反患儿,将其均分成为传统组及分析组,传统组患儿接受常规方式治疗,分析组患儿则接受活动性矫治器治疗,对比两组患儿治疗后临床指标以及出现的不良反应情况。结果分析组患儿各项指标优于传统组患儿,且不良反应的例数更少,两组患儿的数据对比后存在明显意义(P<0.05)。结论对于患有前牙反的患儿而言,让其接受活动性矫治器治疗的效果较好,该方案值得应用。 Objective To analyze the effect of active appliance treatment in the treatment of anterior teeth in children. Methods A total of 78 patients with anterior teeth who were treated in our hospital from January 2016 to October 2017 were selected and divided equally into a traditional group and an analysis group. The children in the traditional group received routine treatment, while those in the analysis group Active appliance therapy was performed to compare clinical indicators and adverse reactions after treatment in both groups. Results The indexes of the children in the analysis group were better than those in the traditional group, and there were fewer cases of adverse reactions. The data of the two groups of children had significant differences(P〈0.05). ConclusionsFor children with anterior dentition, it is better to have an active appliance for treatment. This program is worth applying.
作者 李国芳 裴蓉 李晓琰 韩永付 董杰 LI Guo-fang,PEI Rong,LI Xiao-yan,HAN Yong-fu,DONG Jie(The children's Hospital of the Afliated Children's Hospital of Zhengzhou University/Henan children's Hospital/Zhengzhou children's Hospital, Henan Province, 450053, Chin)
出处 《中国医疗美容》 2018年第5期61-63,共3页 China Medical Cosmetology
关键词 前牙反 活动性矫治器 儿童 效果 不良反应 anterior teeth inversion active appliance children efect adverse reaction
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