

Duty-Cycle Optimization-Based Power Management Approach for Energy Harvesting nodes
摘要 在无线传感网络WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks)中,节点受到能量限制,因此,需通过功率管理技术有效地使用电池。而能量采集是补给电池能量的有效方式。为此,针对能量采集节点,提出功率控制算法,记为CLPM-PTPC(Close-Loop Power Manager-Predictive Transmission Power Controller)。CLPM-PTPC算法是通过联合工作周期的优化和传输功率控制,实现节点功率的管理。CLPM-PTPC算法先利用闭环功率管理CLPM(Close-Loop Power Manager)调整传输任务的工作时期,再依据功率控制器PTPC(Predictive Transmission Power Controller)调整发射功率,使得传输功率能够实时地依据无线信道环境调整。实验数据表明,与基于固定传输功率算法相比,CLPM-PTPC算法的能量效率提高了约15%。 In Wireless Sensor Networks,as nodes are severely energy constrained,the battery must be used effectively by employing efficient power management techniques. Energy harvesting has been used as an alternative to supplement batteries. So,we propose a power management approach for energy harvesting sensor nodes,and it is based on a joint duty-cycle optimization and transmission power control,which is marked as Close-Loop Power Manager-Predictive Transmission Power Controller( CLPM-PTPC).The objective of Close-Loop Power Manager( CLPM)is to find the transmission tasks' execution periods,and CLPM-PTPC approach introduces predictive transmission power control( PTPC) that can efficiently adapt the transmission power to the wireless channel conditions. The simulations results have shown that our global power management approach is 15% more energy efficient than a fixed transmission power system.
作者 张新琳 ZHANG Xinlin(Zhumadian Vocational and Technical College,Zhumadian He’ nan 463000,Chin)
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期780-785,共6页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61540055)
关键词 无线传感网络 能量采集 功率管理 传输功率控制 工作周期 wireless sensor networks energy harvesting power management transmission power control duty-cycleoptimization
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