

Related Factors of Space Development in Japanese Shanyang Shinkansen
摘要 该研究以日本山阳新干线沿线19个站点周边地区作为实证研究对象,探讨站区开发的空间特征。首先分析站点对城市整体空间发展的影响规律,再具体分析站点周边用地规模与空间形态的基本特征,所研究的站区基本超过40年的发展,站区形态趋于稳定,但发现各站点周边地区空间形态差异较大,部分站点周边开发强度较大且功能较为集约。但仍有少部分站点地区在平面与竖向空间布局呈现不利的形态。最后把空间形态要素分为路网与平面布局两个维度进一步分析山阳新干线的空间特征,并分析影响其形态的部分因素。 In this study,19 sites and its surrounding areas along Japanese Shanyang Shinkansen are chosen to be the research objects,in order to figure out the spatial characteristics of the stations development.First,we analyze the effects of sites in the entire city,and then study the basic characteristics of the scale around the sites and the form of space.The histories of these areas are mostly more than 40 years,and their shapes tend to be stable,but they are greatly different from each other.For example,parts of the sites and its surrounding areas are intensively developed.However,there are still a few sites in wrong shapes neither in the flat nor the vertical dimensions.Finally,we divide the spatial morphological elements into two dimensions of the road network and the plane layout.We also analyze the spatial characteristics and some factors which affect its shape.
作者 刘晓慧 谢楚 李传成 Liu Xiaohui,Xie Chu,Li Chuancheng
出处 《华中建筑》 2018年第6期6-9,共4页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 新干线 站点地区 空间发展 特征分析 Shinkansen Site area Spatial development Feature analysis
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