As early as 3,000 years ago,craftsmen had become a major stratum in Chinese society.According to Guan Zhong,a great statesman in the Spring and Autumn Period(770–476 BC),craftsmen ranked second in the social hierarchy–lower than aristocrats but higher than businessmen and farmers.Over millennia,highly accomplished craftsmen contributed a lot to the repository of Chinese culture–ornamented buildings,exquisite furniture,fine ceramics,and ingenious tools,among other things.
As early as 3,000 years ago, craftsmen had become a ma-jor stratum in Chinese society. According to Guan Zhong, a great statesman in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476 BC), craftsmen ranked second in the social hierarchy – lower than aristocrats but higher than businessmen and farmers. Over millennia, highly accomplished craftsmen contributed a lot to the repository of Chinese culture – or-namented buildings, exquisite furniture, fne ceramics, and ingenious tools, among other things.