FOLLOWING rapid development of science and technology,the Internet has found its way into almost every household in China.With the Internet now intertwined with our comput-ers,smartphones,and home appliances,it’s hard to imagine how we used to manage without it.A normal day in China begins by checking the WeChat app on our phone.Most people can’t wait to check the latest updates on the app,which serves as a gateway into the lives of our friends and a place to read about world news.On the way to work,map apps help us avoid trafc jams.For daily work,people use search engines,emails,teleconferences,voice mails,and video clips.After work,they play online games,and search for popular restaurants on food apps.Before going to bed,people watch TV series online and even buy things on popular shopping apps.With as much as we now rely on our smartphones,it’s unimaginable to think of what our life would be like without all this technology.